Today Jenni came over and we recorded our next "regular" podcast for Knights of the Guild
Ep.19 parts 1 & 2. We do these once a month but it's felt like forever since we did the last one. I've been doing solo
Microcasts and
CompanionCasts the past month it took me a while before I got into recording with a co-host. But soon enough we were bantering back an forth like we always do. There was a lot of listener feedback that I actually split it up and have it in both
podcasts. And with listener feedback come me making mistakes, which in turns means I'll be doing lots of editing. Gotta get part 1 edited and done by August 15
th and part two by August 29
th.. of course I like getting things done and in the can far before they are due, not that it happens like that all the time. But I currently have 3
Companioncasts and 2
Regularcasts that need editing. Maybe I'll just take an entire day on lock myself in the office and edited everything at once.. will see what happens.. as long as I stay ahead of my release dates.
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