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Friday, August 20, 2010

A Healthier Me - Day 5

    Didn't think I was going to work out today because I had gotten 3 hours of sleep last night and I'm just so tired, but I knew that was just an excuse.. I didn't want to have to blog that I didn't work out.. so this daily blogging thing actually does motivate me.

    Today's Workout:

    30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical
    3 sets of ten on the chest fly for my chest (60 lbs)
    3 sets of ten on the curl arm for my biceps (45 lbs)
    3 sets of ten on the free weight (90 lbs)
    1 set of ten working on my back muscles (60 lbs)

    I haven't decided it I was going workout on the weekends or not.. still don't know.. guess I'll find out tomorrow.


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