People have said.. oh you should have gotten an XBox or you should have gotten a PS3 but neither Harry nor I are gamers. We wanted something that we could pull out at parties and play or if we were bored can play just the two of us. The Wii is prefect for that. I don't expect to buy many games. It comes with Wii sports and Wii resorts which has alot of the fun party games on it already. The only games I can see me getting are Star Wars or Harry Potter related.
This is my first gaming system as an adult. Gaming was one thing I was never into. I mean I had my commodore 64 and Atari 2600 when I was a kid.. but that's where I stopped. My brother had the Nintendo and Sega and such but I never really was into it.
I'm looking forward to having some good times with the Wii.
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