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Sunday, August 22, 2010

One Year in Our House

    Wow.. it's been a year already in this house. Harry and I couldn't figure out which actual day to celebrate our 1 year anniversary as we signed paperwork on August 19th but after the hell we went through we still didn't feel like we got the house.. then we got confirmation that everything went through and the house was ours on August 21st but again wasn't going to celebrate until the keys were in our hands and the next day August 22nd we got the keys and Harry and I stepped foot into our brand new house.. so that is the day we are celebrating for our 1 year anniversary. August 22nd

    We've done so much to our house in that year (you can check out pictures HERE .. but it's time to start working on the outside, we have 2 1/2 acres to spruce up.. our first goal is to put a fence around our entire property and then start working on our back deck and surrounding areas.. got lots of cool plans but little funds so it's going to be a slow process.. maybe by our next anniversary will the outside done.. but was all home owners know it's never ending.. there will always be something to do on our property.


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