I just don't understand the hate towards gay marriage. How does two loving adults wanting to share their lives together effect straight couples? The churches, especially the Mormon church put millions of dollars into ads saying "think of the children, it will hurt the children", so I ask again how is gay marriage going to hurt the children? It doesn't plan and simple.
I have people say "well California has a really good domestic partnership program that gives you about 90% of what a marriage will give you.. aren't you happy with that?" And I respond with NO.. why should gay people not have the full 100% rights of married straight people.
Then some say that they think it's more of an issue of using the term Marriage.. would it be cool if you used the term Civil Unions. Again I say NO, if straight couple can use the term marriage why can't gay couples? We aren't forcing churches to have to marry gay couples.. if they want to segregate the gay couples out that is fine, but they shouldn't be getting any tax breaks or funding from the State. There are plenty of churches out there that are willing to marry gay couples. And for that matter.. lots of gay couple don't need to be married in a church. The reason most gay couples want to get married are the benefits of being married, taxes, hospital visits, etc...
Gay people getting married will in no way hurt "straight" marriages. We still have a long road ahead of us but hopefully this is a start.
And for those asking Harry and I can't get married even if it was legal because of the DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) which is a Federal law that states a marriage is between a man and a woman and the immigration department is ran be Federal law.. so until that is over turned, which they are working on we can't benefit from any of these marriage laws. :(
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