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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Will This Ever End!!!!

    Today was the final day of working on our land and all the weeding. Everything was cut down but all over the place. I came up with the idea of getting "The Bagster" which is a large plastic bag type dumpster that you can put stuff into and then call Waste Management and they will come and pick it up (for a fee, of course) . I figured this would be so much easier then using a ton of trash bags (like we need more plastic in the land fills). So I did a search online and found that only a few places local to us had Bagsters. We wound up driving out to Sylmar to a True Value to get a bagster, which only cost about 30 bucks.

    After that we headed over to Valencia to have lunch at Islands (I had heard there was one near us). We then took the back roads back to our house, since the I-5 was really congested. While driving the back roads we saw tons of stores we normally shop in, and neither Harry nor I had any clue that the were there... and we've been living out there now for almost 1 year. So taking the back roads was definitely worth it.

    Once we were home Harry and I went outside and filled the Bagster up with weeds. Then we dumped the contents of the Bagster in the trash bin. That almost filled the dumpster up. So Harry came up with the idea to jump into the dumpster and use my body weight to compact the weeds. That way only the bottom 1/3 of the dumpster was filled. Then we put all the clippings of the east facing slope into the Bagster and dumped it again... and Harry once again used the same method to compact the weeds as before.

    After that we took a little break. For the rest of the afternoon Harry and I raked and filled the Bagster up with weeds and yard clippings. At 7 pm we were finally done. The cutting down of all the weeds and removal is done, now the fire marshals have nothing to complain about. Now we have just to figure out how we're going to dispose of the weeds... as there's no way that we can dump them all into the trash bin (as we share this trash bin with three other houses). Either we leave them for now and dump them over several weeks into the trash bin or we have Waste Management come out and pick the Bagster up for a cost. Not going to worry about it until we get back from vacation.. so will see.

    After this experience I'm not sure I every want to do it again. This is was of the most exhausting work I have done in years. I understand why people pay people to do it.. but on the other hand looking at it now and how beautiful is looks with all the weeds gone I have a sense of accomplishment.. which is great.

    Should haven't have mess with the land for at least six months.. so for now I'll just enjoy my weed free property.


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