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Friday, June 25, 2010

Toy Story 3

    When we left for our vacation Toy Story 3 began. I knew I couldn't wait three weeks before seeing it so we were going to have to somehow see it while we were on our road trip, which of course made it difficult because of the dog. Well a few days before we were to come visit Rick and his family, Rick asked if we wanted to see it with him and his daughter one of the days we were here visiting. They said we could leave Daisy with Amy and not have to worry.. so that is what we did today.

    I have loved every Pixar movie that has come out so there was no doubt that I was going to love this movie and I did. Toy Story 1 & 2 are some of my favorite Pixar movies, for that fact they are some of my all time favorite movies all together.. and part 3 has joined them. It's one of the best Trilogies around. Part three was well written, well acted and was a prefect end to a prefect story. I laughed, I cried, I was moved by the plight of these animated characters. It's amazing to me that Pixar can put so much life into these characters that you instantly fall in love them. Their facial expressions, their actions are so moving. I got teary eyed throughout the movie but the last third of the movie tears where rolling down until the very end.

    I can't wait till we get home and I watch this again.. and then maybe again.

    Another fantastic job Pixar.. you continue to amaze and entertain me... THANKS!!


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