Harry then moved on to taking off the door of the linen closet so he could paint it. Once the first coat was done he took the hardware outside to spray paint silver. After he did that he helped me "attempt" to put the office door back on. It took a few tries as the hinges were first on wrong, then backwards.. but we finally got it to work.
After the office door was put back up, Harry started painting the door jam of the linen closet and than put up a second coat on the door of the linen closet itself. After that it was time for lunch... we were so tired of out food eating it the past month we opted for Denny's.
After we had gotten back form lunch, I got busy with some touch up work while Harry finished the the second coat of paint on the door jam of the linen closet. I then started to put the doors of the closet in the guest room back in. And like the office doors it presented itself as a challenge but I finally got them on and looking good.
Once Harry was done with the linen closet door he moved on to the door of the guest bedroom. He removed it and painted his first coat. While that dried he took the hardware outside and spray painted it. While the first coat of paint was drying we tried to put out the screen door, as I wanted to start bringing in some of the furniture that we purchased a few weeks back. We had the hardest time with the screen door and my tempter had gotten the better of me and if you know me that doesn't happen often but I ripped the screen door from the track and broke one of the wheels. But it was still usable so all wasn't lose.
We then took Harry's truck to the garage and loaded up some of the furniture.. yes our property is that big that we drove to the garage from the back door. We loaded in the couch and as we were walking in the screen door got tangled in my feet so I tossed it aside (kind of forcefully) and sure enough it hit the side of the deck and tore a huge hole in it. So now we have to buy a new screen door for the back door. So it took about four trips back and forth before we got all the furniture in. It's finally starting to feel like our house.
After that Harry put a second coat of paint on the door of the guest bedroom, since he was running out of daylight that was going to be the last thing we did for the night.
This was a tough day.. it was my Birthday and though I got Birthday tweets, and facebook greetings and a few calls this day wasn't that great. I was super tired and not feeling great and my emotions went up and down all day long. I so didn't want to be doing this on my birthday but knew we had to do this in order for us to move in on Friday. I'd be in a crappy mood and then get a call or tweet and be happy, then something stupid would happen and my mood would change. I just think 24 days of remodeling and painting is taking it's toll on me. I can't wait for this to be done soon.
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