Today we headed out to our house around noon and got there around 1.30 or so. First on the agenda was the a short video for Harry's sisters upcoming wedding (tomorrow). We had come prepared with a speech, but that didn’t make the video any easier. Harry got a kick out of the screw ups, especially me trying to say Congratulations in German. Harry thinks that the ‘Making of the Wedding Video’ is way funnier than the video itself.
Once that was done we continued painting the pantry which went fairly quickly. After that I put a second coat of paint on the trim in the hallway, while Harry started to put the first coat of paint on the remaining wall in the dining room. He couldn’t finish the upper half of the wall since he had broken the long painting pole. So in order to finish the rest of the wall we will have to buy an new pole first and more paint.
Will this every end!!!!!
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