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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Packing, Packing, and More Packing

    Today Harry and I focused on packing up more stuff. Even though we haven't closed on our house we do want to be all packed up and ready to go when we do. So today we drove around looking for plastic totes for my toy collection. I normally use those 50 gallon tubs but we went to three Targets and one Home Depot and no had those large totes. Guess I'll need to buy smaller ones.. just more of them.

    So we got home with no totes so we decided to pack up what we could from the kitchen. We also tried to purge the crap that we either don't use or is too old and crappy looking. So we spent a few hours packing up stuff.

    We still have quit a bit of stuff to pack but we still have until the end of September to be out of our current house... so that should be plenty of time.


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