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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Editing KOTG #7

    I was editing podcast #7 and came to realize that even before we do the interview with Felicia that the podcast is already 1 hour and 30 minutes long. And with Felicia's interview it will push it over two hours. So I had some ideas, let me know what you think.

    First we can leave it long, second we can try and cut a half hour out of it so it runs about the same length of our regular podcast. Or thirdly we move several of the segments to a second podcast (part2) that will be posted on the 1st (two weeks after) the main podcast.

    Then I got to thinking I should do that for every podcast. Instead of one really long one you would get one on the 15th of the month and then another shorter one on the 1st of the month that would have two to three of the segments from the regular shows. The segments would always be changing depending on time. One month it could be fan interview and BTS the next month it's Cast and Crew update and Donations. So you'll be getting the same stuff just in two podcasts.

    Do you like the idea?? Shorter podcasts and more of them? Leave a comment or email us at


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