Some of you may or may not know that I co-run a Star Trek role playing game online. It's part of the Treks in Sci Fi forum in which I help run. I am the Captain of the ship as well as a few other characters. The way we write is like a continuing novel that everyone contributes to via his or her character. We are about to start Season Nine, each season runs about three month. Well our fifth season was extra good and Jen, my co-mod and co-runner of the rpg wanted to do a dramatization of that season. She went all out, she got some of the members of the Treksf forum, including me to do some voice work and she also got outside actors to do some of the voices. She produced it and added sfx and music courtesy of the Moyers. And she makes this wonderful audio drama.
So far only part one has been posted (runs about 40+ minutes) but it's very well done and so much fun to listen to. If you are interested you can check it out
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