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Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's A New Year...

    Every year I make various resolutions and every year for various reasons I don’t keep them. So instead of disappointing myself I am going to set life goals.

    - First goal: Is to be a better husband, after five years of being together your life becomes a routine, you do the same things day in and out. This year I’m going to try and vary the routine as much as possible.

    - Second goal: To be a better friend, I have some wonderful friends who have enriched my life and I don’t see them as much as I would like to. My goal is to see my friends at least twice a month, even if it’s just a quick lunch. If we can’t meet up then will call each other and talk over the phone and catch up on each other lives. I miss my friends.

    - Third goal: Lose weight, last year I gained 30 lbs. As a somewhat excuse I did start using testosterone gel and my doctor said that one of the side effect is weight gain but it also doesn’t help that I don’t work out or eat properly. So I am going to start to work out again as much as I can and work on eating better.

    - Fourth goal: Do more creative things, I use to write poetry and was working on a sci fi novel a well as a fantasy novel. I video tape everything and would love to be able to editing pieces together to share with family and friends. I need to get back to being creative.

    - Fifth goal: To finish updating my website. I recently purchased and I’m slowly transferring my personal website from Yahoo to that site. I hope to have it up and done with in a few months.

    - Sixth goal: To be a better human being. To care more, to love more, to be a patient and kind person.

    Life is way to short to sit around and complain about how things are so unfair. You never know if this is your last breath.. and if it is I want to make sure I left this life knowing I loved, lived, and laughed to my fullest.

    Here’s to a wonderful 2009


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