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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean III

    So after three weeks of it being in theaters Harry and I finally saw Pirates III. First let me say that we watched Pirates II a few nights before since Harry had not seen it so we were in a Pirates mood. The movie opens with some very beautifully haunting images then picks up where the last film left off. This was a fun roller coaster ride of a film. It was more violent then the other two but it was also a "bigger" movie. The special effects were great, the acting was good and the story was fun. My favorite scene was the crew getting back to the land of the living by flipping over their ship. It was a very cool plot point and some very fancy effects. Of course they leave this film open for a sequel and if they make it I'll be there to see it.. if not I'm happy with this great adventurous Trilogy.


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