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Friday, June 29, 2007

Meltdown at Work

    Some of you may or may not know but I haven't been too happy with my current job. My executive producer is a very difficult person to work for. She can't seem to handle her stress so I become her whipping boy. She complains about the computer hard drives humming to loud and not being able to work, she blames me for every little thing that happens in post but at the same time she won't allow me to do my job in post. I have no idea what the editors are doing since she won't allow them to follow my schedule. The list goes on and on but the thing that led to my meltdown today was when she called me to her office to complain about lunch again. First let me say that she wants lunch by 12:30 everyday. So she picked Bossa Nova for lunch today, we called it in at Noon and planed on picking it up and back by 12:30pm. Well they were super busy and told us it would be an hour. We told my boss it would be an hour but she seemed okay with that... well like I said she called me to her office and gave me a talken too. Since she didn't get her lunch at 12:30pm she has low blood sugar and wasn't able to concentrate and lost valuable time in the edit bay.. and guess what.. it was my fault. I told her that we did tell her that food was going to be late.. she then went on to tell me that I as post super need to be able to foretell the future and know if a restaurant is going to take longer to do our order so we can call earlier. Well that did it.. that was the final stupid thing she was going to say to me.. I stood up told her that I needed to leave her office and exited. I stopped by the line producers office and told him that I'm going to take this weekend and really think about my job and weather I want to work here or not. I went down stairs back to my desk for about an hour until the line producer, who understands my issues with my boss.. told me I could go home.... so I did.

    I have never been so angry before. I was near tears and shaking from head to toe. It took me hours to fall asleep that night.


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