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Saturday, November 4, 2006

Whimsic Alley

    Today I went to one of my favorite stores that I hardly ever visit just because I can't do some major damage ($$$) there. It's a place called Whimsic Alley and it's a Harry Potter store. It's set up like a Diagon Alley in the Harry Potter books and movies. You have sections where they sell uniforms and robes, wands, fantasy books, fantasy items, Toys, Costumes, and candies. They even have sections for non-Harry Potter stuff like Nightmare before Christmas, Narnia, Simpsons and Family Guy. It's an awesome story and I went with my buddy Christopher because they were having a half off after Halloween sale and I wanted a full Harry Potter outfit and rode. My sweet Harry said he would buy those for me for Christmas so I went and picked up a robe, sweater vest, scarf and quidditch sweater for Christmas presents for me. And yes I plan on wearing the outfit to book and movie openings as well as for comic con and halloween.


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