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Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Sometimes it's so hard...

    Sometimes it's so hard to control the inner fanboy in me. As many of you know I am a huge, huge fan of the new TV series Hereos. My current job is at the Sunset Gower Studio and my office just happens to be under the sound stage to where they film Heroes. Everyday I walk past the outside set of an upcoming scene. Everyday I see my new favorite actors walk, talking and sitting around like everyday people. And everyday I have to control my inner fanboy from blurting out as I pass by them.. I love Heroes.. I love your character.. Can I get an autograph.. Can I get a picture, but of course I can not do that since I am a professional.

    Many of you know that I don't get star struck, but when it comes to my cult shows like Star Trek, Heroes, Buffy, Firefly, Star Wars or Harry Potter I get all fanboyish.


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