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Friday, July 30, 2010

Yard Work and Podcasts

    Today I went back and forth with doing yard work and working on several podcasts.

    Started the day with working on some Knights of the Guild business, emails, donations etc... I started to work on several Podcasts (Microcast 20 - Quest for SDCC, CompanionCasts 3,4,5, and 6) but as I started Avid I decided to head outside to get some yard work done. I have been putting it off since I got back from vacation and it really needs to be done. Though I was ready to edit podcasts today a spark of motivation got me outside for the next two hour pulling weeds and trimming trees.

    Once I was back in I went and got lunch for Harry and I. Once that was over I sat down to record the intro and outro for Microcast 20. Also did an audio comment on The Temple of Doom for a friends podcast, Treks in Sci Fi.

    I finally started to edit Microcast 20 and a few hours later it was done. I started the conversion process, which can take hours so in between processes I went back out several times and did more yard work until it was too dark to see. I did manage to get 2/3's of the yard work done and I will finish it tomorrow for sure. Also I finished Microcast 20 but haven't even started any of the CompanionCasts which bummed me out as I was really hoping to get more of them done by now.. oh well I always have tomorrow where it looks like I'll be doing the same thing.. yard work and podcasting.


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