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Saturday, July 31, 2010

More Yard Work and Podcasts

    Today was a carbon copy of yesterday but I actually finished doing yard work, every weed or at least all the ones I could find have been pulled or cut down. Our next big project is preventing weeds from growing. We can't spray because we drink the ground water so Harry and I were thinking of digging up all of our rock roads and laying down plastic (weed barrier) and then placing the rock back over it.. that way water can get through and into the ground but weeds can not grow. It will take a while to do all our roads but in the end it will be well worth the effort and time.

    I also finished another podcast KOTG CompanionCast S4E3 which is due to be released on Wednesday August 4th. Would really like to get up to Episode 6 done by the end of the week. Just hope I have enough material to make some good podcasts.

Size Matters Not

    Finally got the autobiography of Warwick Davis; Size Matters Not. This came out a few months ago in England but not in the States (at least I haven't been able to find it). So I went to his website and he was selling them and you could have them personally signed as well, which I did of course. And a few weeks later it arrived.

    If you don't know who Warwick Davis is, his big roles were Wicket in Star Wars, Willow in Willow and Professor Flitwick in Harry Potter among many other cool movies and tv shows. I've been a big fan of his ever since Willow, for it's one of my all time favorite fantasy movies.

    I can't wait to sit down and start reading about his very interesting life.

I Am...

    Read this on a Facebook group called "Homosexuality is NOT a choice, but homophobia is."had to share it with you all.

    • I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag every day.
    • I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.
    • I am the guy that lives on the streets because I am scared to go home.
    • I am the prostitute working the streets because I can't find anybody who will hire a transsexual woman.
    • I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
    • We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
    • I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.
    • I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.
    • I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. I survived the attack that left me in a coma for three weeks, and in another year I will probably be able to walk again.
    • I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear.
    • I am the child that dreams of seeing my mum again. The courts won’t let me because she lives with another woman.
    • I am the man who fears that I will never be able to be myself, to be free of this secret because I won’t risk loosing my family and friends.
    • We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.
    • I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.
    • I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.
    • I am the brother that gets called a fag just because my brother isn’t ashamed of who he is.
    • I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.
    • I am the girl that was raped behind my school because some stranger wanted to teach me to be a “real woman”.
    • I am the guy down the street that can’t get a disability pension because my partner is a man.
    • I am the woman who died when the paramedics stopped treating me because they found out I didn't have a female body.
    • I am the man that is afraid of losing his job, for expressing his true identity.
    • I am the mother that sees my son come home from school every day in tears because the other kids call him a girl.
    • I am the celebrity that wishes I could tell the world who I am, but I'm too scared.
    • I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.
    • I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didn’t have to always deal with society hating me.
    • I am the Youth Worker that sees hundreds of kids thrown out of home because they were honest with their families.
    • I am the girl that struggles to get up in the morning because school is so cruel to me.
    • I am the footballer scared to come out because I might lose my contract.
    • I am the boy that always wanted a Barbie, but no one would let me have one.
    • I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most: love.
    • I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends I’m a lesbian, because they constantly make fun of them.
    • I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to “teach me a lesson”.

    We are all around you. We are the millions that want the hate to end.

Friday, July 30, 2010


    I turned on the News and the show Bones was just finishing up and the leads were having a discussion on Soulmates and Bones quoted where the word Soulmates came from and I always liked the idea of being split in two and having "another" half out there (guess it's the romantic in me) but never knew where it came from so I looked it up.

    Got this from Wiki : One story about soulmates, presented by Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium, is that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them:
    [Primeval man] could walk upright as men now do, backwards or forwards as he pleased, and he could also roll over and over at a great pace, turning on his four hands and four feet, eight in all, like tumblers going over and over with their legs in the air; this was when he wanted to run fast …Terrible was their might and strength, and the thoughts of their hearts were great, and they made an attack upon the gods ... Doubt reigned in the celestial councils. Should they kill them and annihilate the race with thunderbolts, as they had done the giants, then there would be an end of the sacrifices and worship which men offered to them; but, on the other hand, the gods could not suffer their insolence to be unrestrained. At last, after a good deal of reflection, Zeus discovered a way. He said: 'I have a plan which will humble their pride and improve their manners; men shall continue to exist, but I will cut them in two and then they will be diminished in strength and increased in numbers; this will have the advantage of making them more profitable to us. They shall walk upright on two legs, and if they continue insolent and will not be quiet, I will split them again and they shall hop about on a single leg.'
    —Aristophanes, Plato’s Symposium,

Yard Work and Podcasts

    Today I went back and forth with doing yard work and working on several podcasts.

    Started the day with working on some Knights of the Guild business, emails, donations etc... I started to work on several Podcasts (Microcast 20 - Quest for SDCC, CompanionCasts 3,4,5, and 6) but as I started Avid I decided to head outside to get some yard work done. I have been putting it off since I got back from vacation and it really needs to be done. Though I was ready to edit podcasts today a spark of motivation got me outside for the next two hour pulling weeds and trimming trees.

    Once I was back in I went and got lunch for Harry and I. Once that was over I sat down to record the intro and outro for Microcast 20. Also did an audio comment on The Temple of Doom for a friends podcast, Treks in Sci Fi.

    I finally started to edit Microcast 20 and a few hours later it was done. I started the conversion process, which can take hours so in between processes I went back out several times and did more yard work until it was too dark to see. I did manage to get 2/3's of the yard work done and I will finish it tomorrow for sure. Also I finished Microcast 20 but haven't even started any of the CompanionCasts which bummed me out as I was really hoping to get more of them done by now.. oh well I always have tomorrow where it looks like I'll be doing the same thing.. yard work and podcasting.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wild Fires Everywhere

Clash of the Titans Review

    Both Harry and I wanted to see this movie when it came out this summer but because of vacations and schedules we weren't able to.. so when I read that it was coming out on DVD this week I knew I had to pick it up. Last night with our friend Thomas from Ireland we watched it and again I have to ask, as I did with The Last Airbender, why was there so much negative feedback for this movie. Now I know folks complained about the 3D as this was one of those films that was changed to 3D afterwards but if I did see this in the theater I wouldn't have seen it in 3D anyways.

    I thought the SFX were cool, the story was the same as the original with a few tweaks and additional characters. The action scenes were fun and entertaining.I really enjoyed the 3 witch scene the make up was awesome, and the Medusa scene was well done. They even had a cameo of my favorite metal owl Bubo. I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It was one of those fun entertaining roller coaster popcorn summer movie and I'm glad I got it on Blu-ray so I can watch it again and again in the future.

Knights of the Guild Ep 18 pt2

    Show Notes:

    Here it is Episode 18 part 2 of Knights of the Guild. We hope you enjoy it.

    Today’s show features:

    • * First up we have a Classic Vorkism
    • * We are recording this weeks podcast live on set of The Guild’s “GAME ON” music video
    • * We discuss Behind the Scenes of Season 3 Episode 6 - Newbtastic
    • * We have another great fan interview with Ben Terrill (Fan, Extra, Volunteer)


    • * We have another installment of Guild Something with Sean Becker
    • * Listener Feedback
    • * We thank our donors.
    • * Then Business Time (We continue to use contest submissions, Thanks Higlet, Mike, Jennifer, Osiroman, David, Donica, Jerod, and Nas)
    • * Then our Good byes

    Thank you again for all your support, we do this podcast because we are fans and more importantly for the fans.

    Kenny & Jenni

    Other Important Links

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Vasquez Rocks, Islands and Titans

    Today a friend of mine from Ireland came over to visit. I meet Thomas at Comic Con last year and continued to talk through out the year. This year at Comic Con we got to hang out alot more and had some really good times. He came back up to Los Angeles for a few days before heading back home and today he spent it with Harry and I.

    We took him to Vasquez Rock for a mild hike, then to Islands for some yummy burgers. We got back to our place and I interviewed him for my Knights of the Guild podcast for the fan portion of it. We then had some delicious cupcakes that he bought for us and finally we sat down to watch Clash of the Titan's which I just purchased on Blu-ray.

    It was a fun night, we got to know Thomas a little better and we are happy he spent his last "full" day here in LA with us. Safe travels Thomas.. see you soon.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

KOTG Microcast #19 Quest for Bollywood


    Show Notes:

    So this was the top secret project that several people (myself, sean and sandeep) tweeted about. For this years surprise video at Comic Con down in San Diego, Felicia Day and company came up with this AWESOME Bollywood Music Video called “GAME ON” I was on set the two days of shooting and got exclusive behind the scene information about the making of this very cool video.

    If you haven’t seen the video yet, check it out HERE

    This microcast is more of a companioncast on the Bollywood video as I did all these interview live and on set. This podcast includes interviews with Felicia, Sean, Kim, Jeff, Amy, Greg, Vince, Sandeep and many others.

    I hope you enjoy this look behind the scenes of “GAME ON”


    Other Important Links

Post Comic Con

    Well I'm slowly recovering from this years Comic Con, posting up a ton of pictures to facebook this morning, which was a challenge as facebook picture uploader was having issues. You can check them out at the following links and you don't need to be a member of facebook to see them.

    And that's all I have uploaded so far.. still have to do an "everything else" album.

    I'm also working on KOTG podcasts as there was an error in one as I moved an entire section to part of 18 but then realized that we talk about going to comic con in that section and since it will be released after comic con I had to go back and cut it out. (not to mention that this podcast was completely done and already uploaded waiting to be released.) I also did one final pass on KOTG Microcast 19 Quest for Bollywood as the The Guild's music video came out at midnight and I'll be releasing the podcast at the some time tonight. I also have to start working on the next companioncast as episode 3 of The Guild will be out next Tuesday.

    And if that wasn't enough I have TV I have to caught up on and a ton of yard work. Oh.. and I forgot to mention that I have to figure out what I want to do with my life as I'm not sure I want to go back into the field of Post Production for TV.

    I'll keep you all posted.

New BMW Efficient Dynamic Concept

    2009 BMW EfficientDynamic ConceptAs the lowering fuel consumption and emission 2009 BMW EfficientDynamic Concept become a key part of product development strategy. BMW EfficientDynamic Concept is the unique car which combine BMW performance with standard fuel efficient and lower emission management of vehicle with high power level. BMW EfficientDynamic Concept is made possible of BMW combination.

Toyota Auris HSD rear New Car

    Toyota Auris HSD  rear (click to view)
    Toyota Auris HSD rear
    Toyota Auris HSD (click to view)
    Toyota Auris HSD
    Toyota Auris HSD interior (click to view)
    Exclusively designed for the European market, the Auris HSD (Hybrid Synergy Drive) introduces full hybrid technology to a core model at the heart of Toyota’s model line-up. (Source: Toyota)

BMW 135i Performance Pack (2010) CAR Modifications

    Performance BMW 135iBMW 135i Performance Pack (2009) CAR ModificationsPerformance BMW 135i
    Sporty BMWs and aftermarket add-ons go hand-in-hand. Some AC Schnitzer aluminium pedals for your M3, perhaps? A set of Hartge rims? Maybe even a Dinan supercharger kit? Now BMW has decided to tap this lucrative niche, offering the BMW Performance line of exterior and interior accessories for the 1- and 3-series. Here we drive the firm’s fully loaded 135i demo.

    Looks tasty. How much?
    The basic 135i lists at £29,610, but the options on our car take that to just over £47k. Not all of that is accounted for by the Performance range, however. There’s Boston leather (£970), folding mirrors (£165), sat-nav (£1930), Xenons (£620) and more.

    The remaining £11.5k goes to BMW Performance – and doesn’t include fitting or painting. But before we get too indignant about the price, remember that this very special 135i is still £3.5k cheaper than an entirely naked M3, and that the whole point is to showcase the kit you’ll mix and match in line with your tastes and budget. Saying that, I do want it all.
    Okay then, break it down

    Eighteen-inch 313 alloys (£2553), aluminium pedals (£53), uprated brakes (£1145), black kidney grilles (£57), rear carbon diffuser (£745), new front bumper (£630), carbon splitters (£310), handbrake grip and gaiter (£65), carbon mirror caps (£350), rear spoiler (£225), sideskirts (£215), sports suspension (£810), exhaust silencer (£550), short-shift kit (£220), sports seats (£2900), and – phew! – sports steering wheel (£675).

2011 Peugeot 207 S16 Car

    2011 Peugeot 207 S16 Car Wallpaper2011 Peugeot 207 S16 Car Wallpaper2011 Peugeot 207 S16 Sport Car2011 Peugeot 207 S16 Car

2011 Peugeot 308 GTi Car

Monday, July 26, 2010

San Diego Comic Con 2010 - Day 5 (final day)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

2010 Honda Cars Civic Hybrid 1.3-liter 4-cylinder Engine with IMA

    Looks like a Civic, drives like a Civic, but achieves better gas mileage than a regular Civic. In a nutshell, that's the Civic hybrid, one of the best cars for highway commuters according to Forbes Magazine. Honda's second generation hybrid Civic offers improved city fuel economy, and an incredibly better body design with softer, sleeker design cues. And within 2 - 3 years, the Civic hybrid will make another upgrade, when it switches from NiMH battery technology to lithium-ion technology, which could provide Civic hybrid-like performance, but at a cheaper cost. And, despite some complaints over mileage, particularly in city traffic, most Civic hybrid owners are very happy with the gas mileage of their hybrid Civics.

2010 Hamann Sports Cars Ferrari California F149

    World premiere at the 63rd Frankfurt Motor Show - the HAMANN tuning programme for the Ferrari California F149. HAMANN unveiled the 2010 HAMANN Ferrari California program at this year's Frankfurt Motor Show. The HAMANN Ferrari California is powered by a standard 4.3 liter V8 engine that develops 460 hp which 20% more than standard. The extra horses of the HAMANN Ferrari California comes from a re-programmed ECU and a new sport exhaust system.

Lotus Sports Cars Evora Type 124 Endurance Racecar

    Proton-owned and British-based sports car maker Lotus has announced the Evora Type 124 Endurance Racecar (pronounced One Twenty Four). Based on the Evora road car, it is powered by a mid-mounted Toyota V6 powerplant. The engine is race-tuned and can output over 400PS, depending on race regulations. The power unit is linked to a 6 speed sequential transmission with steering wheel-mounted paddle shifters. It can weigh less than 1,200 kg, again depending on race regulations, thanks to an aluminium chassis, very strong lightweight forged aluminium wishbones and lightweight composite and carbon fiber panels.

    Lotus Sports Cars Evora Type 124 Endurance Racecar
    The Lotus Evora Type 124 Endurance Racecar has been developed from the award-winning Evora road car and is built to FIA regulations and safety standards. Based on the standard Evora road car, the Evora Type 124 (pronounced One Twenty-four) will make its 24 hour racing debut at the ADAC Nurburgring 24 hours race. According to Lotus, the Evora was designed for racing from the start and this made it very easy for the team to convert the Evora into a racecar, thanks to the mid-engine layout, stiff bonded aluminium chassis and lightweight forced aluminium wishbones for the suspension.

Suspected car bomb found in Times Square

    Police evacuated part of Times Square after finding a suspected car bomb in the busy midtown Manhattan district Saturday night, media reports said.

    Officials said it was not considered to be a terrorist threat, and New York City police reportedly asked federal authorities to stand down.

    The New York Times quoted an explosives' expert saying it was an improvised device using propane cylinders and powder, but the ignition source 'failed to function the main charge'.

    Kevin Barry, a former supervisor in the New York City police bomb squad, speculated that if it had functioned 'it would be more of an incendiary event' than an explosion, the Times reported.

    The explosive materials were discovered about 6.30 p.m. by a mounted police officer who saw a box with smoke pouring from it in the back of a Nissan Pathfinder, officials said.

Jaguar Luxury Sports Cars New XK-S

    Jaguar will be launched a new XK limited edition model this month, the Jaguar XK-S. Like every Jaguar to carry the XK badge, the XK-S is all about performance with style – plus a large helping of individuality. The Jaguar XK-S offers its own spin on the 4.2 liter V8 XK in coupe form.

German car exports up by nearly half in May

    An industry group says German car exports saw another strong year-on-year rise in May _ increasing by nearly half as global demand recovers.

    The VDA group said Wednesday that Germany exported 367,700 cars last month _ an increase of 46 percent compared with May 2009. That followed a 58 percent rise in April.

    Sales in Germany itself have been slipping in year-on-year terms for months after a popular government car-scrapping program expired.

    That trend continued in May. Some 252,800 new cars were registered in Germany _ 34 percent fewer than a year earlier. They were down nearly 32 percent in April.

    VDA said the healthy export performance helped push up production _ which rose 10 percent on the year to 470,100.

CAr speed style modification

Car Bugatti EB 110

Saturday, July 24, 2010

San Diego Comic Con 2010 - Day 4

Email Hacked!!!

    Today while at Comic Con and working the Guild signing (I was Felicia's muscle) she informed me that it looks like my email was hacked as she got an email from me for little blue pills.. I took a break and jumped online. I first had to figure out which email it was. After checking a few of them I found out it was my Yahoo and of course that's the one I've had the longest with the most email address so I spammed a bunch of people. Had lots of undeliverable responses as a lot of those email address are very old. I changed my password and tried to email everyone to let them know I was hacked and to not click on the link.. but yahoo froze my account. So I had to wait until I got back to the hotel and to send out that email.. everything looks to be working now. Sorry if I spammed you.

Henna Temporary Tattoos

    Henna Temporary Tattoos
    The henna tattoo design has always been around but there has been a real boost in popularity since the end of February. And now, in the heat of summer, henna temporary tattoos are all the rage! Whether they are the classic paint-on henna designs or modern transfer tattoos, henna temporary body tattoos are growing in popularity.

    Many people have been tweeting photos of henna tattoos and they have been a permanent feature in the micro-blogosphere. There has been an increase in mentions and conversations regarding henna temporary tattoos over the past few months.

    In part, this increase in popularity can be attributed to the season: it is summertime, and shorts, t-shirts and flip flops mean more skin on which to wear temporary tattoos. But this spike in popularity goes beyond what we would expect for the season. The increase in mentions, conversations and orders of henna tattoos indicates a true trend; a trend that can be attributed to the actualization of temporary tattoos as fashion accessories.

    It all began with the fall fashion shows, at which Chanel introduced their temporary skin art line, Les Trompe. Those designs hit the market in February and other designers and retailers have followed suit. Henna tattoos have become trendy along with these other designs because the style is very similar.

Finding the Right Unique Tattoo Design

    Finding the Right Unique Tattoo Design
    Everyone wants to find a tattoo design that is unique and true to your own personality so that you can stand out from the rest. I've been on a so-called "Quest of Discovery" in attempt to find a design that will match my personality, which is a difficult task to accomplish. Fortunately, I pretty much stumbled upon this one by accident while watching a video on unique tattoo designs, the database site is called Tattoo Me Now! First things first, as soon as I went to their site I'll honestly admit that the guy that pops up to the side of the screen and starts talking gave me quite a fright.

    Now, down to business, Tattoo Me Now has 3,523 designs in about 40 categories, basically tons and tons of tattoo designs that you'll never be able to sift all through. This also means that you'll be able to to pick out a unique tattoo design instead of settling for some generic tattoo that you'll see on every other person. I even found a tutorial on how to create a completely custom tattoo right on their site. The one thing that really stood out for me about this site over others is the active community forum and blog. Why anyone would care you might ask? This means real people in active discussions where you can post a question and receive help from the community.

Introducing the Ancient Art of Mehndi

    Introducing the Ancient Art of Mehndi
    The ancient art of henna painting originated from India, and is largely used in traditional and cultural events and festivals in countries such as Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sudan, the Middle East and even some of the Western nations as well. Created as a ceremonial art that is performed through henna painting, the art of mehndi is also known as mehendi, mehandi, al-henna, henna and a variety of other names all across the globe.

    Popular especially in Rajastan, India during weddings, the bridegrooms would be decorated with mehndi in addition to the brides, making the festival a truly colorful and exciting event. Women tend to wear mehndi for their weddings, and even during non-wedding festivals, especially in India and other parts of the world (for instance the Rongali Bihu festival in Assam). Sometimes relatives and friends of the bride also wear mehndi to make a wedding a grander affair.

Friday, July 23, 2010

San Diego Comic Con 2010 - Day 3

    This has been the best day yet.. take a listen and find out why.

Flynn's Arcade "Inside the Computer" San Diego 2010

    After the arcade section you go through the back and that's were the real fun begins. Check out the video.. tried to bring a little of it to you.

Flynn's Arcade - San Diego 2010

    This was the best event I have done so far at the con.

Vintage Tron Figure - San Diego Comic Con Exclusive

BMW X3 2011

    picape nova bmw x3 tuning rebaixada
    Aproveitando o lançamento da nova BMW X3 2011, fiz uma montagem transformando o utilitário numa picape esportiva.

    Dessa forma, a picape BMW X3 ganhou uma rebaixada em sua suspensão, novo jogo de rodas esportivas, pintura exclusiva, alargamento da carroceria, bodykit esportivo etc, como principais alterações.

Peugeot 3008 Crossover

    Peugeot has released the first official photos and details of the all-new 3008 compact crossover. The five-seater 3008 is more of a pug than a stud – at slightest in what concerns its exterior styling.

    Peugeot officials said that it is positioned “at the crossroads between numerous free vehicles like the SUV, the MPV and track.” Something like an automotive varied grille in other language. The 3008′s most next rival seems to be the Nissan Qashqai cross, which has proven pretty successful in Europe.

    Read more (details + photo)!!

    Inside, the Pug skin a very nicely styled dash that looks suspiciously akin in goal with the Audi R8. As you’d demand from a French crossover, the 3008′s cubicle is honestly versatile and it includes an array of storage places with an entire valuable amount of nearly 50 liters. The encumber region (512lt under the packet ledge) is accessible through a tear tailgate that divides into two parts. Notably, it can be compartmentalized gratitude to a stagger with a 3-way height adjustment.

    Europeans will be able to take among seven different powetrain options. For 2009, these involve: a 110HP 1.6-liter diesel with a 6-momentum physical gearbox or an electronically-controlled handbook gearbox; a 150HP 2.0-liter diesel with a 6-haste handbook gearbox; a 163HP 2.0-liter diesel mated to a 6-tempo sure transmission; a 120HP 1.6-liter gasoline engine hooked up to a 5-haste guidebook gearbox and a 1.6-liter turbocharged petrol thing with 150 or 156HP that’s mated to a 6-rush physical gearbox.

    Sharing its platform with the Peugeot 308 C-segment tailgate, the 3008 crossover will primarily be unfilled exclusively with front-circle ambition. Peugeot does however deal a faux off-path embalm called “Grip Control” that consists of 16-inch M+S (Mud & Snow) tires and intelligent footing oppress. According to the French automakers own words, this container “gives the vehicle a genuine ability to overcome testing situations where the wheels have little grip.”

    Those sharp for an all-sweep oblige account will have to linger awaiting the presentation of the Peugeot-Citroen PSA Group’s first pattern to be equipped with HYbrid4 technology. To be launched by 2011 the latest, the 3008 HYbrid4 will cartel a traditional engine that powers the front-wheels with a thrilling motor located under the burden quarter stagger near the hinge that drives the rear wheels.

    Peugeot said that this technology will not only add all-wheel maneuver capabilities to the archetype, but it will also slash fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by around 35%. At the Paris Motor Show, the Prologue HYbrid4 belief car was unfilled with a 2.0 litre HDi FAP engine with an intensity of 163HP and an electric motor with a most space of 27 kW (37HP) for a total nation of 200HP and a limit torque of 300 Nm at the front and 200 Nm at the rear. The fuel consumption of this example in the united rotation was estimated at being only 4.1 liters/100 km (57.4mpg U.S.), with CO2 emissions of just 109 g/km.

2011 Mercedes CLS with AMG package spied

    2011 Mercedes CLS with AMG package spied

2012 new Honda Civic spotted in Germany

    2012 Honda Civic spotted in Germany

Thursday, July 22, 2010

San Diego Comic Con 2010 - Day 2

    My second day at comic con..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

San Diego Comic Con 2010 - Day 1

    Here's my video from Day 1 (Preview Night) at Comic Con

Tour of my hotel room, SDCC 2010

    Here's a quick video of my very cool hotel room at The Keating down in San Diego. It's odd having an open shower in the same room as your bed.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

KOTG CompanionCast S4E2


    Show Notes:

    Here is our second CompanionCast for Season 4 of The Guild. First of all be sure you watched Episode 2 of season 4. If you haven’t seen it yet watch it HERE

    What is a CompanionCast?? It’s a behind the scene look at the current episode of The Guild.

    I was on set everyday while they shot Season 4. As actors and crew were finished with scenes I would try and speak to them. Get some inside info about the scene they just shot. I also interviewed Felicia Day and Kim Evey about the storyline and Sean Becker about the directing. Each one of these CompanionCasts will be episode specific and will vary in length depending on how much guildie goodness I was about to gather.

    In this CompanionCast I interview Felicia Day, Sean Becker, Amy Okuda, Jeff Lewis, Vince Caso, Teal Sherer and Greg Aronowitz. I also included our first crew interview with our Line Producer Bea.

    I hope you enjoy a look behind the scenes of Season 4 Episode 2 “Strange Allies”


    Other Important Links

Packing for Comic Con

    Today was pretty much spent finishing up prepping for comic con, making sure I have everything as well as packing up all the Knights of the Guild swag that I'm bringing to con to give away. Also had to pack up all electronics, computer, microphones and clothes. I was hoping to pack light but it looks like it's going to be 2 + suitcases. I also went to the grocery store to be some snacks, soda and water so I have to see if I can fit that in my suitcases are it's going to be three suitcases.

    I plan on head out early tomorrow around 10am which means I should get to San Diego by 2ish and can check in to the hotel at 3pm, pick up my badges and be good to go.

    I'm going to try and do video blogs every day from comic con.... at least that's the plan.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Wash That Gray!!!

    Today I wanted to dye my gray hair.. as I seem to be getting more and more as time goes on. I got this "Just For Men" stuff that is suppose to target just the gray hair. Well that didn't quite work and instead I darken my already dark hair a few shades of brown. But at least my gray hair is gone and it doesn't look half bad.

Prepping for Comic Con

    Spent all of yesterday and today prepping for Comic Con. Yesterday I was trying to get more podcasts done and prepped so I don't have to worry about them while at comic con. I also packaged up all the KOTG shirts, Comic books and Autographed pictures that people won as prized in my Knights of the Guild podcast.

    Today I had to go to the post office and ship off the above KOTG shirts, Comic books and Autographed pictures that I owed people.. I feel bad as some folks have been waiting over a month and I really wanted to do this before comic con.

    I also had to get a tire fixed on my jeep as I didn't like the idea of driving down to San Diego and not having a spare. And though I haven't driven my car much the past few months I got the oil changed as it was past due and again since I'm driving down to San Diego I wanted to make sure my Jeep was in good shape.

    When I got back home I had received the two missing elements that I needed to finish my third podcast Ep. 18 pt2 which will be released on July 29th. So that's three down and if I'm lucky I can get my KOTG CompanionCast S4E3 done before I leave tomorrow.

    So it was a busy day and tomorrow all I have to do is pack up cloths and all my KOTG stuff and I'll be ready to drive down to San Diego Wednesday morning.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Super car concept new modification

Porsche 911 GT3 RS car modification

    There's no agnosticism about what car the approaching buyer of this Audi TTS Coupe would like to own back his coffer annual allows it. Finished in a done out blooming adumbration with bright atramentous account and admixture wheels, this blush admixture screams Porsche 911 GT3 RS from a mile away. The 272-horsepower-strong TTS has 22,719km on the odometer and it's up for auction by an Audi banker in Nuremberg, Germany. More photos below.

2011 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe

    Enter the 2011 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe. It has a supercharged V8 that makes 556 horsepower. It comes with a six-speed chiral manual as accepted equipment. It's beneath $65,000. Not alone that, but the beyond cojones begin on the V auto are translated into the coupe's styling, authoritative for a car that's at already adventurous and vicious, with a assault affection of absolute lunacy.

    In the backward 1990s, General Motors gave us the Opel-derived bar of soap accepted as the Cadillac Catera, cogent us that it was "The Caddy That Zigs." But the Catera is continued gone (good riddance) and we've begin a applicant that's added aces of accustomed on that brief tagline. Take your claret burden medicine, association – the CTS-V Auto is here. And it does a lot added than artlessly zig or zag – it absolutely dominates the activating sports auto segment.2011 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe Specifications
    Wheels 19-inch cast aluminum wheels
    Brakes racing-bred Brembo brakes
    Transmission automatic
    Horsepower 556
    Supercharger supercharged V-8 engine
    Engine & Transmission
    Torque lb-ft (Nm) at RPM: 551 lb.-ft.
    Tires F-R Michelin Pilot Sport 2 performance tires
    Length 51 mm
    Height 51 mm
    Navigation advanced
    Acceleration 0-60 mph s: 3.9 seconds
    2011 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe review  wallapaper 2011 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe review  photosfinal 2011 Cadillac CTS-V Coupe review

Peugeot SR1 Concept Car 2010

    Peugeot SR1 Concept Car 2010 Car Pics
    Peugeot SR1 Concept Car 2010 embodies a new stronger, more extreme and pure expression of the Peugeot Style of tomorrow and also displays a new look corporate Lion badge. SR1 concept car is 100% electric which incoporates HYbrid4 technology available in the Peugeot 3008.

2010 Lumma new Design BMW CLR X 650 M

    2010 Lumma Design BMW CLR X 650 M A complete body kit and performance enhancements up to 670 hp and 627 lb-ft.

2010 Kicherer Mercedes-Benz SLS Supersport Edition Black2010 Kicherer Mercedes-Benz SLS Supersport Edition Black

    2010 Kicherer Mercedes-Benz SLS Supersport Edition Black Kicherer has raised power output of their matte black SLS to 615 hp, as well as offering carbon fiber aerodynamic components, and a new exhaust system with an integrated control valve to give the driver a choice between a sonorous and a discreet tone.

    2010 Kicherer Mercedes-Benz SLS Supersport

Alfa Romeo 159 new cars

    Alfa Romeo 159 new cars

Porsche Lumma Design CLR 550 R
    Meanwhile, under the front cover Lumma Design started with the already powerful 4.8-liter V8 engine that has a standard power of 400 hp In the case of CLR 500 R, however, an additional compressor, which is Scotch on the power more than 50% compared with that of serial Cayenne GTS. And we are accurate, should specify that a power of 612 hp under the front cover. They are transmitted through the asphalt to huge 23-tsolovi wheels obuti in ultra niskoprofilni tires. In general, looks like wheels are painted in black on the end ... This was the tires.
    Porsche Lumma Design
    To help the Cayenne hard to cope with additional power, Lumma also installed and sports brake system, which provides more power - a good idea in view of the fact that the rate of 612-they koncheta definitely not negligible, especially in a massive and heavy SUV. The car is otherwise reduced by the sport suspension is set so as to reduce the maximum lashkaneto in turn.
    Porsche Lumma Design
    Inside the interior is a bit more color, as is available in dvutsvetna color. Furthermore, there is a new sport steering wheel and improved telematics system.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

WE DID IT!!!!!

    Today we went past 100,000 downloads. When I started Knights of the Guild podcast I never thought in my wildest dreams that it would hit 100,000 downloads. Thank you to all our loyal listeners who come back time and time again and enjoy the bantering of Jenni and I. We call this a "Fans" podcast not only because Jenni and I are "Fans' but because this podcast is all about The Guild Fans. The Guild was built around it's fans and it's the fans that got us to 100,219 downloads as of 9pm 7/17/2010