More great TV tonight... I've watched Lost since the very beginning.. I actually saw it about six months before it started. I watched the pilot at comic con and was blown away. It's been an up and down roller coaster ride but for the most part I have loved every minute of it. Now with them on their last season and only have a handful of episodes left I am starting to worry that they are going to wait until the very last two hour episode to really explain anything. This last season has really taken the series in a whole new direction but I'm enjoying it. Tonight's episode involved Hurley and Libby and I loved those guys as a couple in season two and we upset when it ended.. so it's nice to see them actually kind of go back to that story in the flash sideways. They explained about the voices in the forest which was cool.. but that's about it. There were two shocking moments, both ended with a BANG!! I know they won't answer all the questions but I'm excited to see how this whole crazy story ends next month.
Now for V.. as I have said in my previous blogs about V I'm an old school fan of the original and thought the new version is far from the original it still have elements that link back to the original. I've been liking the new V. Last nights episode was enjoyable.. I wouldn't say they are great.. but they are fun.
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