Today after work I had an online meeting to do an interview for a Browncoat podcast. I have been chatting alot with Michael who is the writer, director, producer of a new fan made Firefly movie called Browncoats : Redemption. Anyways Casey is the guy doing their podcasts and they were interested in interviewing me, because I work on the Guild and it stars Felicia Day who is associated with Joss through Dr. Horrible and Buffy and Joss of course the creator of Firefly.
Now if you are a true geek you will have understood that .. if you didn't understand I'm sorry. I
figured it would be a quick interview but when I started I found out that I was actually interviewing for two podcasts. Casey not only does the Browncoat one but he also does one called Scifi Surplus. So this quick interview turned into an hour interview but it was a lot of fun and as soon as they are released I will pass on the info here.
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