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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief

    During lunch today I ran into my good friend Christopher and he mentioned that he was going to go see a movie tonight. I asked him which one and he said Percy Jackson.. I had also planned to see Percy Jackson after work so it was kind of cool that we both just happen to met up for lunch and had the same plans for the evening.. so after work I headed over to the movie theater and met up with Christopher.

    I have read four of the five books of this series and was looking forward to this movie. I went into to this movie hearing not so good things about it but I didn't care as I really enjoyed the books and from the commercials it looked like my kind of movie.

    Here's a little about the storyline: The protagonist is Percy Jackson, who discovers that he is the son of Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes. He learns that the legendary beings of Greek mythology still exist and have always existed, including monsters, Titans, and the Olympians (Greek gods) themselves who dwell in Olympus, which is now situated at the mythical 600th floor of the Empire State Building.

    The movie storyline is somewhat similar to the book storyline but with some major differences. I knew going into this that the movie wasn't going to be a copy cat of the book, they never are. But this one left out some major plot points and tweaked the entire main story a bit. But with all that said I really enjoyed the movie. It's very different from the books but on it's own it was a fun adventure with some cool effects and I look forward to seeing it again with my Dad.


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