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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cleaning and KOTG Anniversary

    Today I was having friends over to celebrate my 1 year KOTG (Knights of the Guild) Podcast Anniversary. The day started out with Harry and I cleaning the entire house… and there was a lot of cleaning to do. Having remodeling done for the past 2 days wasn’t much help either. To make a long and exhausting story short… we got done just in time.

    Around 7 pm people started to arrive. All in all about 20 people showed up. Everyone loved our place and complimented Harry and I on our choice of the wall colors and the paint job. So I guess having spent 40+ days painting has been worth while. Daisy and Harry spent most of the time in front of the fire place. Harry attended the fire to keep it going and watched Daisy so she wasn't in the middle of all the hustle and bustle. That way she wouldn’t be freaking out. She actually did alot better than I expected. For most of the time she was fairly relaxed and was chilling out next to Harry. But of course she never left his side.

    I spent most of the time in the office recording the podcast. We had some great guests lined up Felicia Day, Kim Evey, Greg Aronowitz, Sean Becker, Michele Boyd, Fernando Chien and many more. Around 1.30 am we called in the night.


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