Today I had an interview scheduled for my podcast Knights of the Guild, but currently my computer is making so much noise that it would be impossible to record said interview. So I checked out my computer and realized it was the fan/power supply that was making all the noise. I swore I would not go out shopping today (being Black Friday) but I needed a quiet computer for tonight. We ventured out to Frys and as we expected traffic and people were everywhere. We did manage to find what we needed fairly quietly which is a shock since we normally walk around for hours looking for it. And the line wasn't bad at all.. it actually wasn't a bad shopping day.. since we had luck with Fry's we went to Target to check out high chairs and clothes for Kenobi for Christmas but in the end only picked up some guest bathroom items that we needed.
I got home manage to pull apart my computer and found out that the new power supply that we got didn't actually fit my computer.. meaning the plug was on the opposite side and I had to use metal shears and cut a hole in the back of the metal plating of my computer so I could plug it in. When all was said and done the new power supply worked and my computer was humming quietly. I'm not ready for the interview.
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