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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

House Inspections

    Today Harry and I along with our Realtor Mary went up to "our" house to get a home, well and septic tank inspection. Of course most people who buy a house get just an home inspection but because we have a well and septic tank we had to get those inspected as well... over $1500 inspection fees.

    Anyways we get there and it's raining a little bit. The Seller's Realtor is there Shane. She lets us in and Harry and I start to look around the house. The last time we were there we looked around but didn't spend alot of time inside. After I put the offer in on the house I thought to myself.. man I just put an offer on a house that I really didn't get a great look at. I mean I saw it but couldn't tell you what kind of facets they had in the bathroom and little things like that. So while we waited for the inspectors Harry and I went around from room to room and became more familiar with your new place.

    It was even better then we both remembered. I knew 100% that we made the right decision on purchasing this place.

    First up came the well inspector he had to preform several test that would take a few hours. Next was the septic tank inspectors and lastly came the home inspector as he had gotten lost getting to our place. (guess we should get use to folks getting lost).

    Our first issue was the septic tank inspectors couldn't find the opening to the tank as it is buried three feet down and the owners were not there and weren't able to describe where it was to the inspectors. So the Seller said she would pay for them to search for the opening. It cost $225 for them to electronically find the opening, which they did and began digging. The next issue came when the home inspector wanted to inspect the garage. We couldn't get the door openers to work for us. It's a three car garage but the owners split and made it a two car garage with an additional work space. The work space had a side door so we were able to get in there and open the door manually. But in order to get into the large garage we had to move a board in back from the wall that's between the two spaces and locate a very small hole that allowed you to squeeze from one room to the other. So I volunteered to do that and was about to manually open the two car garage.

    After that things went smoothly. The home inspector said everything looked good. There were a few things that he showed up but nothing major. The septic tank was in great shape and the guys said it will last 50+ years. The well inspector said he was having some issues and need to run a 24 hour test on the well so we still don't know about the well.. but over all everything is in good shape.

    I also found out that the appraisal was done the day before so now we wait to hear back what the house is worth.. hope it's worth the amount we are paying.

    I'm glad all the inspections seemed to go pretty good but I was more excited see the house and actually be a few steps closer on being the owner.


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