Today Harry and I finally sat down and forced ourselves to watch Lost. We haven't watched a single episode since it came back this year. We had six hours of unwatched Lost to catch up on. We kept putting it off because Lost is one of those shows that you really need to pay attention to and most of the time when we watch TV it's at the end of the day and were tired but I have been trying to avoid spoilers the past month and knew I wouldn't be able to stay spoiler free for long plus I was really missing it. So we sat down early today and started with the two hour premiere then took an hour break, got some stuff done and watch another few hours, break, and finale watched the last two hours. OMG it was so great having six hours to watch because we didn't have to wait each week for a new one, but when we got to our last episode we were on the edge of our seat and once again are will have to wait a week for another new Lost.
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