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Saturday, February 28, 2009

KOTG Podcast Update

    I'm very excited about this. Knights of the Guild podcast has just crossed the 4000th listener/download mark in 28 days. Our promo which went up first on Feb. 1st has gotten 1006 listeners/downloads. Then we posted our first episode #1 on Feb. 15th and so far it has gotten 2002 listeners/downloads and then recently we posted our first microcast #1 on Feb. 23rd and so far it has gotten 1043 listeners/downloads. As of today the three podcasts have gotten a total of 4051 listeners/downloads.. how cool is that.

    Thank you to all those Guildie fans who embraced our little podcast about our favorite webseries The Guild.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Front Page

    While at lunch with my buddy Christopher last week we started talking about websites and stuff. He knows I've been working on mine new one for quite a while. Back in Oct. 08 I purchased the domain and wanted to transfer my current personal website from yahoo geocities. Though I'm internet savvy I'm not really good at HTML and decided I would try my hand at Dreamweaver. Well it's been months and I have built a few pages but not like they are suppose to be build. Instead I created them in photoshop and then just import the entire thing as one image. Anyways I was conveying my frustration to Christopher and he mentioned Front Page which is a microsoft program. He said it was fairly easy to use, kind of like page builder from yahoo geocities.

    So Today I finally "acquired" a copy and gave it a shot. Well I have to say that Front Page is a website building for dummies and is perfect for me. It's pretty much set up like most of the MS programs. I only had an hour or so to play with it but I already built most of my main page, with Dreamweaver it had taken me weeks. So I'm off to a good start. So it will still take me a while to get everything transferred but at least I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.

    Thanks Christopher for the heads up.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


    Today I finished editing The Ready Room podcast #47, Next I have to prep another Knights of the Guild podcast. I think will get at least one more microcast out before we release our second episode.

    I don't have the stats of The Ready Room podcast since Rico over at Treks in Sci Fi hosts it but I do have the stats for Knights of the Guild and for a show that has been out a almost two week it's doing pretty good. Check them out.

    Podcast Stats:

    Feed: 1883 / Download: 358 / Streaming: 1499

    Total Listeners 3740

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's a BOY!!!!!!

    My brother called me today to inform me that he and my sister-in-law found out the sex of their baby... It's a BOY!!!! I'm going to have a nephew... I would be happy with either I just want a healthy baby.. but I have to admit I was hoping they were having a little boy. Can't wait to spoil him rotten.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Knights of the Guild Microcast #1 Quest for the Finale

    Today we released Knights of the Guild Microcast #1 : Quest of the Finale.

    Since folks have been emailing us to release our podcast more then once a month Jenni and I decided that we would do microcasts in between our main casts. They will be two to fifteen minutes podcasts on one single topic. Our first microcast will be a discussion about The Guild Season Two Finale. You can check it out on itunes or click on the link below.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


    Today I watched the Oscars with host Hugh Jackman. First of all Hugh Jackman was great he was funny and charming and is such a great singer and dancer. They also did several different ways to present the awards that I really liked. For the four actors awards they brought out five previous winners to say something nice about each nominated actor. I really liked this. They also handed out awards like doing a movie. Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. All in all it was a fun show.

Lost Marathon

    Today Harry and I finally sat down and forced ourselves to watch Lost. We haven't watched a single episode since it came back this year. We had six hours of unwatched Lost to catch up on. We kept putting it off because Lost is one of those shows that you really need to pay attention to and most of the time when we watch TV it's at the end of the day and were tired but I have been trying to avoid spoilers the past month and knew I wouldn't be able to stay spoiler free for long plus I was really missing it. So we sat down early today and started with the two hour premiere then took an hour break, got some stuff done and watch another few hours, break, and finale watched the last two hours. OMG it was so great having six hours to watch because we didn't have to wait each week for a new one, but when we got to our last episode we were on the edge of our seat and once again are will have to wait a week for another new Lost.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's Tax Time

    Tonight I have an appointment to met my Tax guy Mike to do my 2008 taxes. I found Mike seven or eight years ago through my friend Renee. Mike is one of the nicest and funniest guys. He doesn't act like your typical stuffy accountant. He is super popular (because he is good) and every year I have to book an appointment with him earlier and earlier (now booking at the beginning of November). What is great about Mike is he explains everything in simple terms. I understand everything he is saying. Today I found out he is a geek also, he loves Star Trek, Stargate and many more sci fi TV shows. So besides him doing my taxes, we got to have a really good chat about Trek.

    BTW In 2008 I made the most I have every made which worried him a little bit as it pushed me into a different tax bracket.. but in the end I'm getting back a bit from Federal taxes and a little back from State (or an IOU). As long as I don't have to pay and I get enough back to cover his fees I'm happy. So it was another good Tax season for me.

Podcasts, Podcasts and More Podcasts

    Today I recorded my Ready Room podcast with my friends Jen and Rick. It had been several weeks since we did a recording and it was a lot of fun getting back together, well at least via the internet. Jen lives in the Texas and Rick in Washington. Now I have to edit the podcast together for a Wednesday release.

    Also today I edited our Knights of the Guild Microcast #1 Quest for the Finale. I hope to release that early this week.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Inpromt to Podcast

    Tonight Jenni came over to my place around 10pm to record a special microcast podcast for our Knights of the Guild podcast. It was a lot of fun.

Negative Comments

    Well I knew it was bound to happen as you can't please everyone but it still doesn't take away the sting of reading our first negative comment about Knights of the Guild #1 podcast. I was checking out twitter and noticed this person has posted this. "I love The Guild, but I'm not gonna lie. I found Knights of the Guild episode 1 to be slightly boring." I know it's not a horrible review but it still stings. But like my friend Sean said.. now you got your first negative comment over with the rest will be easier. And I'm sure they will but.. it was just tough after reading all the great things folks have said about KOTG #1 to hear that one person thought it was boring. Oh well everyone has their opinions.

Lunch with Christopher

    Today I got to have lunch with my buddy Christopher. He was my best man at my wedding and I haven't seen him since my birthday in September. He's a super busy guy at Disney and we never seem to be off at the same time. Well today we finally decided that we would do lunch and met at Bob's Big Boy in Burbank. It was great catching up on each other's lives.. at least as much as you can in an hour. We say the same thing everytime we seperate.. let's not wait months to do this again and of course it's always months before we see each other again. I guess it's just the way it is at the moment, but when we do get together it's like no time has passed at all and that's one thing I love about Christopher, even though we don't see each other as much as we both would like we've still the best of friends.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Knights of the Guild Episode One

    We just hit 1500 listeners to Knights of the Guild Episode 1 in less in then four days.. How cool is that. It's so strange to know that fifteen hundred people have listened to Jenni and I talk about our love for The Guild webseries. Now the real test will they come back again for episode two??

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Guild Cast Live Web Chat

    Today the finale of the Guild season two is up on MSN Video
    Look for the guy in the blue and white checkered shirt who is videotaping the fights.. that's me.

    Also the Behind the Scenes Video that I cut a few months back was finally put up on MSN Video you can see it here.

    And tonight the Cast and Director of The Guild did a live web chat on Ustream. Felicia asked if I would be a moderator. It was crazy, hundreds of people all chatting at once. Of course we had our trolls who where there just to make trouble. I had to ban about 15 people but it was a lot of fun. The picture above is a screen grab.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Knights of the Guild Podcast

    Our podcast Knights of the Guild has been out for two days, I think you can say it has been an success. We've had 780 listeners for the promo and 1295 listeners for Episode 1 for a total of 2075 listeners in the past two days. Our site has been up for about two weeks and we have had 3307 visitors and it's still growing every hour.

    It's great having a built in fan base and from the reaction of our first podcast they seem to be liking what we are doing.

    Now it's time to plan out podcast #2

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Guild Cast Interviews

    Today I was finally able to do the cast interviews of The Guild for the Second season DVD specials that I plan on doing. These were suppose to be done in January but everyone was busy and we weren't able to get to them until today.

    Today I got to interview Sandeep (Zaboo), Robin (Clara), Jeff (Vork), Vince (Bladezz), Tara (Dena), Amy (Tink), Fernando (Wade), Felicia (Codex) and Michele (Riley). It was a long eight hour day but it's always fun hanging out at Felicia's house (where we did the interviews). Now with those done I can get started on editing the DVD specials.

Knights of the Guild Ep. 1

    Midnight tonight I posted the very first Knights of the Guild podcast #1 and as of 10pm we have had 885 downloads and our website has been up for 16 days and we have had 2741 visitors. That is truly amazing. Thanks to all those wonderful Guildies who have downloaded our podcast and thank you all for letting us know what you though either by twitter, watch the guild forums, knights of the guild website or Jenni and I really appreciate all the good thoughts.

    If you haven't already please watch The Guild webseries at

    Then go to our podcast website at and download our promo and first episode.

    Then go to Itunes or another podcast catcher and subscribe to our podcast.

    This is suppose to be a monthly podcast but man it's so much fun it might turn into a two times a month podcast.. stay tuned.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day

    Harry and I aren't really into Valentines Day, but we did spend the entire day together catching up on TV, in the office on our computers and go out to dinner at Outback Steakhouse. So it was great just spending the day with my husband doing things that we love to do. Valentines isn't about gifts or roses it's about being with the one you love. Happy Valentines Day Harry.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Transferring my Blog

    I have spent the last five days.. a few hours a day transferring all my Blogs from Yahoo 360 blogging system to this new one. I have been wanting to change blogging systems for a while. 360 is so primitive compared to this one.. this feels like a real blogging system and I love it. I transferred over 750 blogs since 2002 and now with the cool column at the right you can look for specific blogs unlike 360. I can add photos and multiple photos with ease. And I love the layout and colors.. all in all a great move and I'm so happy that it's finally over. Time to blog.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Knights of the Guild Test Audience

    Today I started to get emails and IM's from the few friends that I sent my first Knights of the Guild podcast episode 1 too. And though they are friends I know they would be honest with me and they all really seemed to enjoyed the podcast. I also sent it to a diehard fan of The Guild and she seemed to really like it.. so it seems like it's a good podcast.

    I'm kind of nervous because The Guild has a huge fan base so our podcast has an already built in fan base and geeks can be kind with they like something or very mean if they don't.

    I have been debating on posting the podcast early just to see the reaction but as folks are expecting it on Sunday Feb. 15th I'm holding out till then.

One of "THOSE" Days

    About 4:30am I heard Homer Simpson say "the mail, the mail is here" which is my notification ring when I have a text message or voicemail. I heard him three times and knew it would drive me crazy so I got up and checked it and it was a voicemail from one of my AE's from Deadliest Catch and she was having major issues with the Unity system (hard drives). I was half a sleep but think I did a good job at communicating what needed to be done. There was a chance that I would have to drive over to fix it and I was not looking forward to it. I had had about three hours sleep so far. Luckily I was able to figure a work around so she could do her work and I didn't have to drive in. So I went back to bed and it felt like I was asleep for two minutes when my alarm went off and I have to get ready for work.

    Today we were locking our very first episode of season five. I knew it was going to be a busy day but I had no idea what was in store. Both Jeremy (my day AE) and I were running ragged all day. Between computer issues, things not being done correctly and just plain craziness this day dragged on and on. It was our TV night but I had to cancel because I knew I would be stuck at work. Jeremy finally said go home at 9pm and that he would finish up. So I left and he stayed another hour and a half... man I hate days like these.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

More Interviews

    This morning I got an email from Vince saying he was sorry but something came up last night that prevented him from meeting up with us. He asked if he could do it tonight. I figured why not, it's better to have two cast members interview in the can so we booked him for after Michele's interview.

    When I got home from work today again Harry and I ate very fast as I had to do a cast interview with Michele (Riley) from The Guild for our podcast Knights of the Guild. This time Jenni was going to be on skype as well as Michele. We started a bit late but the interview was in full swing by 9pm. In the middle of Michele's interview Vince contacted me and said he was ready.. so after we finished with Michele we did an interview with Vince. So it was a good night for Knights of the Guild podcast.

    I cut in one of the interviews and did a final pass at the episode one. It is DONE. I emailed it to a few close friends as well as Felicia so they could get a sneak listen. It will be posted on Sunday Feb. 15th as planned.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Stood Up / Finished KOTG #1

    Tonight when I got home Harry and I ate really quick, because Jenni was coming over to do an interview with one of the Cast members (Vince) from The Guild for our Knights of the Guild podcast. Well the interview was suppose to happen at 8pm. 8pm came and went, 8:30pm came and went and finally at 9pm we gave up and contacted another Cast member (Michele) who agreed to do an interview with us tomorrow. So Jenni went home and I finished polishing the Knight of the Guild podcast episode 1. So all I had to do was drop in the interview and it would be ready.

Lunch with Will

    Today I took my friend Will out to lunch, I know it's crazy but I wanted to thank him for the awesome prank he did on me the day before. He put a lot of work into it and it meant a lot to me. So we went out to Islands for some burgers and some very nice conversation.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Ready Room Podcast

    Tonight I edited together a kind of clip show for The Ready Room podcast for the Treks in Sci Fi RPG game. We did one the previous week where forum members read character profiles for the RPG and episode 46 was more of the same. Thanks to all those who helped.


    Okay a week ago I foiled the entire desk of one of my friends here at work.. well today I came into work and noticed that there was a curtain hanging over my glass door so you couldn't see in. They did some shooting over the weekend so I figured they did this and forgot to take it down. Well I opened my door and noticed that my desk chair was replaced with a pink love seat with a leopard print draped over it. I then noticed that there were curtains up over all my pictures and my desk lap had changed.. for that matter my desk had changed. Will had changed every single piece of furniture in my office. I could not believe he did this by himself. He actually came in on Sunday and said it took him an hour to make the change. I was very impressed.. he got me.. but now this just makes me want to get him back.. so stayed tuned.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

KOTG Episode 1 Rough Cut

    Today I finished a rough cut of episode one of my new podcast Knights of the Guild . All I need to do is add a cast interview which we should be doing in a few days. We are still on schedule for a Sunday Feb. 15th upload.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Interviewing Sean

    Today Jenni and I interviewd Sean Becker (director/editor) of the second Season of The Guild for an upcoming episode of Knights of the Guild, our new official fan podcast for the webseries The Guild. We had a great time, it was suppose to be a 15 to 20 minute interview but turned into a 50 minute interview... it's was a fun time.. thanks Sean.

New Shoes

    Today I went shoe shopping with Harry and Dad. Well we went to Famous Footwear in Corona and I found these very cool shoes. I showed them to Dad and Harry and they both laughed and thought I was kidding. Harry said they looked like his boxer shorts. They continued to make fun of them but I liked them and thought they looked fun and quirky like me so I bought them.. what do you think??

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More KOTG stuff

    Today my good friend Rick Moyer produced some really cool bumpers for my new podcast Knights of the Guild. Rick is a very talented guy who can produce such cool music, music parodies, bumpers and pretty much anything else you need. Thank you Rick for doing these.. if you want to check out more of Rick's awesome music check out his site. He also has started a new geeky/spiritual podcast called Take Him With you. Check it out.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

KOTR Website

    I have been very happy with the amount of traffic that has come to my new podcast site. As of today only being online for a few days we have had almost 400 vistors and 300 download of our promo podcast. I'm having such fun with all this podcast stuff.

    Also today we got our first podcast donation. It surprised me because we really haven't had a full episode posted yet but my good friend Chris Q. donated $20 dollars to our show. Thank you Chris for helping out, these donations will help pay for the website, artwork, music and equipment upgrade. Thanks again Chris.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Heroes is Back

    Tonight there was a new Heroes after there holiday break. This was the beginning of Volume Four Fugitives. This wasn't an OMG episode with big effects or anything like that. But it was a good set up episode to kick off this new volume. I like where they are taking the story. I know alot of folks have given up on Heroes, but I for one have been enjoying every episode. Can't wait to see where this story goes.

KOTG on Itunes

Sunday, February 1, 2009

KOTG Episode 1 First Pass

    After our hike to the MASH set. I had some spare time so I did my first pass on my new podcast Knights of the Guild. We are still missing two interviews and some bumpers but the show really flowed well together. I'm really excited to get our first episode done.

Visiting the M*A*S*H Set

    Harry is a huge MASH fan and I became one because of him so today he and I went to Malibu Canyon Park to visit the MASH set. We had gone to the park before to go hiking and saw signs that stated that MASH was filmed there. We always wanted to go back but never seemed to find the time. Well the day before while watching MASH I told him we should go and visit the MASH set. So the next day we got up and headed over. The park is about 20 minutes away and when we got there we really didn't know where to start. We walked back to where we saw the first sign. We then say that in order to get to the site you had to hike 2.3 miles. Well I haven't worked out in over a year and am really out of shape.. but 2.3 miles didn't sound bad so we started. About a mile in the sun was shining down and I was starting to hurt. The hike starts off on a dirt road and then steadily goes up a hill and then down. You then start walking along side a mountain on a thin trail with mountain on one side and a creek on the other. Alot of this road is filled with rocks, looks like the bottom of a riverbed. Well after about an hour and a half we got to the site.

    We knew there wasn't going to be much. A burnt out jeep and a rusted over ambulance. But it was still fun to stand there and try to picture where everything was. Of course the easiest was the helo-pad as it's overgrown with bushes but it's still there.

    We hung out there for about a half hour, debating where Rosie's bar was or the sign welcoming people to the 4077. We took pictures and video to capture the experience.

    Once we had our fill we headed back. The hike back wasn't that bad until the very end where I was getting hungry and my blood sugar dropped.. but we made it back to the jeep and then headed home... and of course we were both super sore. But it was well worth the pain to see where they filmed one of our most favorite TV shows.