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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Work Stress

    Seems like my job is getting more and more stressful. I'm working later and later hours. I try not to let the stress get to me but sometimes it's just too hard to ignore. Currently I'm in a battle with Production up north. We got our first batch of tapes and they were completely unorginaized and mis-labeled if labeled at all. Of course I know that production is going crazy up in Alaska so I sent them a very nice email reminding them how to organize and label tapes that it will help post in the long run. Well that was a mistake I got several nasty emails from Production folks, pretty much saying that they really don't care about post and we are lucky we got tapes at all. It's times like that, that I'm thankful that I'm a calm person by nature. Hopefully once things are up a running 100% the craziness will calm down a bit.. wishful thinking.. but you never know. If it doesn't get any better I'll just have to let things flow off my back more often as the stress will kill me.


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