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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Harry's Birthday Party

    Today we celebrated Harry's Birthday. We had a nice little get together at our house and BBQ. It's been an on going joke that Harry's love war.. I mentioned it at one of his birthday’s years ago and everyone always brings it up.. so for this party we decided to decorate the backyard with camouflage and war items. We went to a party story and bought army men, army plates, cups, table clothes, hats and even a blow up machine gun. Of course those who were in on the joke got it right away and others we had to explain it.

    It was good food and great company and everyone seemed to have a good time. Right before everyone started to leave our good friends Tara and Jack showed up with their little girl Bella. We had expected them at the party but they missed the whole thing.

    After everyone left we hung out with them for a while and caught up. It was really good seeing them as it had been over a year since we had seen them last. We decided that we would all go out to dinner and hang out a bit more. We went to Sizzler and had a nice dinner and conversation.

    It was a long but fun day.


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