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Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday Night TV

    Tonight we watched the second to last episode of American Gladiators. I'm so glad it has been a success and NBC has picked it up for a second season. This total fluff tv but it's so much fun to sit back and enjoy. I hope to get tickets to watch it live from the second season.

    Another great show on Monday is Kyle XY. It's in it's second season and the story is getting more and more invovled, but unlike Lost I'm not getting tired of all the questions. Plus Matt Dallas is yummy to look at with his no belly button washboard stomach.

    And if that wasn't enough we also watch Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles. It's on it's fourth episode and they keep getting better and better. This series has one of my favorites from Friday Summer Glua and she can kick some butt.

    Monday's have some cool sci fi/fantasy TV


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