Today I put the new battery in Harry's Jeep and everything seems pretty good. It started up and ran pretty well. Since the jeep was running and his tags were out of date, though the registration is up to date just needed to get smog. I knew we had a pretty slim chance of passing but I hoped for the best. After an hour of testing the guy came back to me and say I have bad news.. the jeep did not pass.. he tired three times and said everything was great except they car wasn't getting enough gas. I told him the car has not run for a year and a half and he said.. that's probably the issue.. maybe the carburetor needs to be cleaned out. So it did not pass and we have 30 days to fix it and have it re-tested for free. Now we just have to find someone who knows about jeeps.
Car problems seems to be a family curse, I know my dad always had issues with cars and it seems that he passed it on me. I hope we can fix Harry's jeep in time so we don' t have to pay for the smog again.. seems like smog tests keep going on $60 bucks now for a test.
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