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Saturday, December 8, 2007

The First of Many X-mas Parties

    Today was our friends Gary and Steve's Christmas/Holiday Party. They live in the Hollywood Hills, so we decided to carpool with our friends Richard and Gary. It was a packed house and that's saying alot as they have a pretty big house. There were a ton of folks that we didn't know but there were some we did so we pretty much hung out with them all night. We did play some fun games. One was the Candy Kane Twist. You had to line up and one person started the music and while the music was going you had to hold onto a large candy cane, turn in a circle then pass the cane to the next person who did the same. This went on until the music stopped and the person holding the cane when the music stopped was out. Unfortunately Harry was the first victim and was out first. I did pretty good and made it to the final four but got stuck holding it and was out. Our friend Tom won that game. The next game was a numbers game where the person would call out a number and everyone would have to link together to make that number. So there are eleven people playing and the person says five. Everyone had to make groups of five and the person not part of the group was out. Harry didn't play this one and I was out after the second number. Our friend Bruce co-won this. All in all it was a fun night had by all.


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