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Monday, December 31, 2007

Packing Up Christmas / New Years Eve at Home

    Today Harry and I packed up all our Christmas stuff inside the house. We still have lights on the house. Those will come down next weekend. I like to start off the new year fresh and new. We had gotten so use to all our Christmas decorations since they have been up since Thanksgiving it was strange to see our house without them.

    For New Years Eve we tired to get a small group together to hang at our place but that never happened. So Harry and I had a Star Trek Marathon. We watched three episodes of Deep Space Nine and from 11:30pm to 12:30am we watched Star Trek The Next Generation to ring in the new year. We had a great time.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

So much for time off!!!

    Today was to be my second day off of my four day weekend. Well I got a call from one of my editors informing me that she couldn't be the media drives to mount. Harry and I were just about to go shopping with our Christmas gift cards so we stopped by to check it out. Well it looked at first that the entire Unity (hard drives) crashed and everything was gone. I started to painc.. that would take us weeks to re-digitize all the media and in the middle of online would be horrible. Luckily I managed to restart the system and everything seemed to be okay.

    After my small panic attack we went shopping and I went a litle crazy buying 75% off Christmas stuff. I spent well over my $50 gift certificate, but it was fun.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Four Day Weekend!!!

    Today I start my four day weekend. I can't remember when I had four days off in a row.. I guess it was comic con this past July. Today I did nothing all day long and it was great. Watched TV, played on the Computer, talked with friends online, hung out with Harry and Daisy... it was great.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Pat on the Back

    I normally don't give myself a pat on the back.. but last night I was at work till 1am working on the unity/avid problems. We have five avids at work (for those who don't know what Avid is, it is the editing system that we use to cut out show and Unity is the hard drive system) anyways we have had issues all season with the avids crashing and scanning drives (which takes up alot of time of the editors) so I spent yesterday trying to work out the bugs and I finally got all the systems up and running with no issues at all....nothing.. zero probelms. I am very proud of myself at getting this done.. this is a huge deal and should make everyones (the editors and mine) life much easier. Just wanted to brag for a moment. :)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

More Gifts and Future Plans

    Today we finally got the Christmas presents from Harry's best friend Sandra. She sent them off over two weeks ago and we were afraid something had happened to them.. but luckily they arrived this morning. Also in the afternoon Harry and I spoke with Harry's sister Gerda and her boyfriend Bernd about there plans to come visit for three week at the end of July, beginning August. They are coming for our commitment ceremony and staying for a vacation. Talking to them today made me realize that our ceremony is not too far off.. eight months will be here in no time.. have to start making plans.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Working Over the Holidays

    One bad thing about being a freelance post production supervisor is that I don't get holiday pay. When holidays come up and the offices close you are pretty much out of luck. My current job is down from Dec. 22 to Jan 1st. Though the time off would have been great I really do need to continue to make money so I asked if I could come in during the holidays. Luckily I was able to work four days this (Christmas) week and three days the following (New Years) week. It's not a full five days a week but it's better then nothing.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

    Today Harry and I woke up early so we could open our gifts before we had to get on the road. Harry and I were really good this year so Santa brought us lots of goodies. I know Harry was really excited to get Mac OS X Leopard and iLife. I was excited to get my very hard to find British Harry Potter and Doctor Who action figures. It was a very geeky Christmas at our house.

    Around 11:30 we headed to my mom's for lunch and gift exchange. The past few years have been a bit crazy at my Mom's (my grandmother's dog and Daisy don't get along) so I really wasn't in the mood for the craziness this year. Luckily when we got there we found out that my Grandmother's dog Baby was not there so things started off well. Instead of the traditional spaghetti lunch that mom normally makes she decided to go with a breakfast instead (of course no knew this and we all eat breakfast beforehand). Anyways.. Harry and I had some of the breakfast, which was very good then we opened presents. The past few years my mom has been cutting back on what she would get us for Christmas. It use to be ten or so presents each now it's one or two. This year Mom and Chuck gave Harry and I some money to buy us a washer and dryer (which we still haven't found). So we knew we wouldn't have anything under the tree. She did buy us both several shirts just so we could open a gift. All in all a pretty good afternoon at mom's.

    Around 4 we headed to Dad for a Turkey dinner and gift exchange with Dad, Mike and sister-in-law Lora. Dinner was fantastic. Everyone was very delicious.. Dad really out did himself this year. After dinner we started to open gifts.. unlike Mom's everyone had about ten to fifteen gifts each. It was a fun time. Got some cool t-shirts, action figures and more geeky stuff.

    All in All is was a great Christmas, alot of driving which took it's toll on me but it was a great time had by all... MERRY CHRISTMAS

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve at Renee's

    Today Harry, Dad and I went over to my cousin's Renee's house. We have spent Christmas Eve with them the past few years. It's always good to see my Dad's side of the family. We try and see at much of them as possible since I found them only a few years ago.

    We got there a little early to we could help in making Christmas cookies. When the got there the kids were well into it so we tried to help out were we could. It was alot of fun making cookies with the kids.

    After cookies I helped with Dinner, which turned out to be fantastic. After dinner we opened presents and everyone had a great time.

    Around 7:30pm Harry, Dad and I left the festivities because we still had to drive Dad home. Harry and I finally got home around 11 and we were exhausted and went right to bed.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Picking up Dad

    Today Harry and I drove out to Corona to visit my Dad. Also I found out that he would be coming back home with us so we could take him to our family Christmas Eve party. This was the original plan but then I had heard it had changed and that my brother was going to take him to our Uncle Wally's house who would then bring him to the party. Well I guess plans change again and when I called my Dad right before we were to visit he, he informed me of the changes... it wasn't a big deal Harry and I planned to do "our" Christmas present opening on Christmas Eve morning but with Dad there plans had to change.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


    Today is two of my friends Birthdays. First Michael and I have known each other for many many years. We met online in a Star Trek chat room and became fast friends. He is in the military and moved to Socal so we actually got to meet up and hang out. We don't see each other as often as we would like but we talk online every few weeks. He is about to be sent to Iraq.. we wish him the best of luck and Happy Birthday Michael

    My other friend Shaun is a great guy. We meet through a Star Trek group. Shaun and I are so much alike in the TV/Movies viewing. We are both uber geeks and love it. Again like Michael we don't get to see each other as much as we would like but we enjoy the time we do hang out together. Happy Birthday Shaun.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

TV Night / Snowmen

    Tonight was our last TV night of 2007. We of course watch the Christmas movie Elf. It was alot of fun. Richie, Gary, Bruce and Angie showed up. As everyone was watching the movie I had to make about 15 snowmen for Christmas presents for my co-workers.. of course I wait till the last minute and what is normally a week process I did in a matter of three hours.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Writers Strike

    It's funny how many times I get asked if the writers strike effects me. So I figured I would blog about it so everyone will know how it effects me. The writers strike doesn't effect me at all. I have my job till April and since it is a reality/docu drama there are no writers and are show is moving along full steam. So thanks for all your concern but I am currently in a good place with my job.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Cookies

    Harry got a late start of making Chirstmas cookies, but today he made a few batches so when I got home from work I of course had to taste test them.. next thing I knew I had eaten about ten of them and couldn't stop. His cookies are not super sweet which is great because you can eat quite a few and not feel sick. I eat so many that he had to make another batch so we could give them out for the holidays.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Chuck's Birthday

    Today is my "Step Father" Chuck's birthday. It's been a tough year for him and Harry and I want to wish my a very Happy Birthday... we love you.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Another Christmas Party

    Today Harry and I went to our friends Chris and Marks house in Pasadena for a Christmas/Game night. It was a lot of fun. We haven't been to a game night in quite a while so it was good to see some familiar faces and play some games.

Friday, December 14, 2007

First Show Is In The Can

    Today I was in Online all day with the first episode of the second season of the show that I'm working on. It was a long rode but we finished it with very little problems. Now we move onto the second episode.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Joined the PGA (Producers Guild of America)

    Today while at lunch with my friend/Co-worker she mentioned the PGA and said I should join. I didn't realize as a Post Production Supervisor I could join the Producer's Guild. So when I got back to work I checked it out and sure enough I could join. The PGA is not a union like WGA or SAG but you get some very cool benefits like free movie screenings, and during the award season you get DVD screeners and are able to go to the nominated movies for free. The fees aren't that bad. It's $350 for the initiation fees and $150 a year. I sent in my application and now I just have to wait and see if I’m approved.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pushing Daisies

    Today they aired the final episode of season one of Pushing Daisies... they got nine episode complete before the writers strike but wow what a great nine episodes. This is by far my favorite new series this season. I'm bummed that it's over till next year. But luckily it did well in the ratings and the two main actors were nominated for Golden Globes and the show was also up for best series. If you haven't seen this series you really missed out. Check out the repeats.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Harry Potter 5 on DVD

    Today Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix came out on DVD. I was very excited to get this. As many of you know I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan so I went out on my lunch to Target and picked up the special two-disc edition. Target had a special 3D cover (which is not pictured), free digital download and extra dvd with a BTS clip. This is one of the best Harry Potter movies... I say that with every new movie that comes out... I love them all. This one has one of the best battle scenes at the end between Voldermort and Dumbledore.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Secret Santa

    Today I got in my mail my surprise from my Secret Santa. I belong to a really cool sci fi and fantasy forum called Treks in Sci Fi. I'm actually a moderator and spend hours and hours on there. Well we are such a tight group of people that we decided to do a Secret Santa and today I got my gift. It was from my friend Duffster and he got me the Harry Potter Scene It game 2nd edition and a Star Trek calendar. I have always wanted the HP Scene It game but never got around to buying it.. this version includes up to movie five which is AWESOME. And of course anything Star Trek is great... Thanks Duffster!!!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

X-Mas Shopping

    Today Harry and I had to go Christmas shopping. We still hadn't purchase stuff for his family that we have to mail out this week so it gets there before the 25th (for those who don't know Harry's family is in Austria). So we headed out and fought the traffic and crowds and went to several places looking for what we needed. Finally six hours later we were done. We had planned to go to the movies but both of us were very exhausted and drained so we hung out at home and watched TV. Well Harry worked on his "Home Video" for his family.. but I relaxed on the couch and watched TV.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The First of Many X-mas Parties

    Today was our friends Gary and Steve's Christmas/Holiday Party. They live in the Hollywood Hills, so we decided to carpool with our friends Richard and Gary. It was a packed house and that's saying alot as they have a pretty big house. There were a ton of folks that we didn't know but there were some we did so we pretty much hung out with them all night. We did play some fun games. One was the Candy Kane Twist. You had to line up and one person started the music and while the music was going you had to hold onto a large candy cane, turn in a circle then pass the cane to the next person who did the same. This went on until the music stopped and the person holding the cane when the music stopped was out. Unfortunately Harry was the first victim and was out first. I did pretty good and made it to the final four but got stuck holding it and was out. Our friend Tom won that game. The next game was a numbers game where the person would call out a number and everyone would have to link together to make that number. So there are eleven people playing and the person says five. Everyone had to make groups of five and the person not part of the group was out. Harry didn't play this one and I was out after the second number. Our friend Bruce co-won this. All in all it was a fun night had by all.

Shooting Star

    Tonight while driving to a Christmas Party I saw a falling star. I have seen them in the past here and there but normally it's out of the corner of my eye but this one fell directly in front of me as I was driving and lasted for a few seconds.. it's was pretty cool.. of course I made my wish.. well see if it comes true :)

Surprise you have to Work

    Today I woke up at 10am and suddenly realized I didn't ask my night AE to upload the final LOCKED cut to the network so they could see it. This had to be done so I had to go in and do it myself. I spent about six hour doing this. Not what I planned for my Saturday but being boss sometimes you have do what isn't planed.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Finishing our First Show

    Today we LOCKED (Completed) our first episode 201. We've been working on it for four months and this is our first episode of thirteen that we have locked. Nothing ever goes as planned but in the end everything always gets done. Now this episode moves on to ONLINE for final broadcast mix and we try and LOCK 202 by next Friday... and so on and so on.

TV Night

    We have been doing TV nights for over two years and there is always a core group of us who get together every Thursday. The past few months it seems one or two folk’s cancel due to being sick or working late or various reasons, but the last few weeks everyone has cancelled. But today we had a full house. In addition to our regular crew our friends Richard and Gary joined us and brought along their friend, who was alot of fun. We watched one episode of Buffy season one and the rest of the time was socializing. It was a fun night.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Star Trek: The Tour

    Today they announced Star Trek The Tour. It's launching this January in Long Beach. This is going to be one of the best Star Trek events of a lifetime. When I heard the news and that it was going to be close by in Long Beach I knew Harry and I would there. Tickets go on sale mid December and I'm so exited to get them.

    Here's some more info.

    In the last year, you've heard about some other legends on tour like the Police, Van Halen, and maybe even Led Zeppelin, but now comes the announcement of an event that will truly rock every Trek fan's world: Get set to book your tickets for STAR TREK THE TOUR !

    This historic happening touches down on January 18 for a limited engagement at the legendary Queen Mary Dome in Long Beach, Calif., the beginning of a multiple-city tour across the United States over the next few years. Described as an interactive, action-packed experience, STAR TREK THE TOUR will feature exhibits from all five TV shows and each of the 10 movies.

    THE TOUR will provide a unique opportunity to experience Star Trek up close and personal with sets, props and models, motion-simulator rides, merchandise and more all under one very large roof. One of the items that has us particularly excited is the chance to sit in Captain Kirk's chair from the Original Series, set on the Enterprise bridge. But that's just the beginning. Captain Picard's quarters are also on hand for you to see and experience, as well as the Enterprise-D bridge, and Dr. Crusher's sickbay.

    STAR TREK THE TOUR has a pedigree of expertise as production designer Herman Zimmerman, costume designer Robert Blackman, make-up supervisor Michael Westmore and visual effects producer Dan Curry have all contributed to the production. Eugene "Rod" Roddenberry will also provide narration for a tribute to his father.

    Other great opportunities include the ability to star alongside your heroes in an episode of your choice, and then take home the DVD to show your friends! STAR TREK THE TOUR comprises 50,000 square feet of exhibition space that allows you to leave reality behind and enter the Star Trek universe. This event is like nothing else ever attempted in the United States and provides literally tons of entertainment for adults as well as children, so bring the entire family! For more information, ticket prices, dates, location and more, please visit our STAR TREK THE TOUR mini-site for more!

More Action Figures

    Man I don't know what it is.. but I bought more Doctor Who action figures today. It's a sickness I know, I can't help myself. New figures came out today and I just had to have them. the past few months have I have been really bad when it comes to buying action figures. I know I don't have the room but that doesn't stop me from buying. This past few months I have gotten Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Goonies, Labyrinth, Star Trek, and Lost action figures. Luckily Harry is cool with all these toys (one reason why I love him so much) he knows I'm addicted but he also know how much joy I get in buying this little pieces of painted plastic. I have cut down on what I get since the room is limited but I don't see myself ever stooping completely.

Monday, December 3, 2007

My Friends the Moyers

    Today I found out that a friend of mine and his family were hit hard during the windstorms up in the state of Washington. His name is Rick and we met online in the Treks in Sci Fi forums. He's the kindest, most caring person you will ever meet He is a pastor with a heart of gold. When I heard what had happened my first concern was for his family. Luckily no one was injured but their house was damaged. The winds took off their roof and cause major water damaged inside. He and his family are having a tough time but they are surviving. Please think happy thoughts for the Moyer family from Washington.

Heroes is no more

    Well due to the writers strike the second season of Heroes has been cut dramatically short. Tonight was the last episode for the season and possible till next September. It was a good episode, several of the main character's fate are in the balance. The wrapped up some of the storylines but still left quite a few open stories. The second season started off slow and moved along at a slower pace but of course they had no idea that the season was going to be cut short so alot of folks aren't happy with the second season of Heroes, I am not one of them.. I enjoyed every episode and can't believe we have to wait till next September for new episodes.. it's going to be a long 2008.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Visiting Dad

    bToday I woke up and got started on my "special" Xmas gifts. Got a big part of it done.. but still alot to do.

    Harry and I also went to see my Dad. We haven't been down to Corona in over a month since they have coming up here for various things. It was a nice visit. We had lunch at Hong Kong Restaurant (the best Chinese food in SoCal) and went a bit of Christmas shopping. Harry and I didn't find anything but Dad did. We then went home and spent the rest of the time sitting on a couch watching TV. It was a good Sunday.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas Tree

    Today I had to go into work for about four hours.. only planned on working an hour or so but things never go as planned.

    When I got home Harry and I went out to buy our Christmas Tree. I always get our tree from Home Depot. Not only are they rather inexpensive but they have nice trees. This year we had a little trouble finding the right tree. Normally we take a look at two or three threes but this year we kept unraveling tree after tree with no luck. This year trees seem to be fuller on top then in the past. I wanted a triangle shaped tree and was determined to find one. So Harry and I looked at about ten trees before we gave up and went with a tree that we both liked but it wasn't perfect.

    Once I got it home we put it up and it started to fill out more, as the hours passed the tree branches started to fall and it became more triangle. After several hours of letting it blossom open I started to decorate as Harry slept on the couch. I did lights first; I put over 400 lights on it. Just when I finished the lights Harry woke up and helped me decorate the tree. I can normally use all of our decorations but this year I had leftovers.. not sure if the tree is smaller or less round.. all I know if we put up a lot of stuff and couldn't fit anymore. I think in the end it turned our great and this is one of my favorite trees the past few years.

    I also went and wrapped presets that we had already bought and placed them under the tree.

World AIDS Day

    Today is a very special day. Let's take a moment and remember all those living with or have passed away from AIDS/HIV. I have many friends and loved ones effected by this horrible disease. All I can say is cherish every moment you have with them; you never know when they might not be around.