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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Moving the Jeep

    Well today I attacked my toy room. I really wanted to finish unpacking everything and start to put things up. but we had to move Harry's Jeep, which I knew would take several hours. It is currently non-operational so I had asked my brother, who has a ball on his truck to come help tow it to the house. Well my brother, sister-in-law and dad arrive. We go to UHaul and find out that in order to use there car dolly you had to disconnect your drive shaft from your rear tires. It sounded like a lot of work for such a small thing. It was also going to cost my $39.95 to rent the dolly. After hearing what we had to do to tow it Michael said I should just use AAA. Of course I had thought of that but wasn't sure they would move a car from one place to another, it really wasn't an emergency. Well we figured it would be cheaper and a lot less hassle to try. So I called up AAA and since I have the "classic" deal I get 7 miles of free towing and they had no problem moving the jeep.

    Before we called AAA my dad, lora and mike took a look at the Jeep and said it sounded like it was fuel problem, that it was either the fuel filter which was easy to change or the fuel pump which is a bit tougher to change. So Harry and I replaced the fuel filter but still it didnt' work... it seems it's the fuel pump.

    So I should have went with my first instict and went with AAA but instead I spent about five hours of my unpacking time dealing with the Jeep.. but in the end the Jeep made it to the house safe and shound and we are a few steps closer to getting it repaired.

    I did get back to unpacking but I was very tired and only got a bit more done. Oh well there is always Sunday.


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