Well the third day of con was my panel day. Ballroom 20 was going to have most of what I wanted to see. As with all Cons you have to pick and chose what you want to see. There are always two or three things going on at the same time that you want to see.. you just have to decide which one you wanted to see more. So I choose Ballroom 20. I got in line at 9:30am, the line was huge. I got in to the building around 10am and got a seat about halfway back from the front panel. First up was the Bionic Woman Exclusive Pilot Screening and Q&A. This was a cool pilot and I look forward to watching it when it comes out this fall. Next was TV Guide Hot List, this was the panel that I could have done without but I knew if I left the room I would not be able to get back in. Plus this panel was cool. It had several stars and producers from 4400, Kyle XY, Bionic Woman, Heroes, and Jericho. It wound up being a really cool panel. Finally the panel I was really looking forward to... Heroes Season 2. The entire cast and some of the executives talked about season 2 of one of the most popular series around. They didn't really give any huge news away about season two but they did give us a sneak peek of the season, which was great. After Heroes another favorite of mine was next, the Battlestar Galactica panel. Three of the main women were there. Number 6, Starbuck and President Roslin along with some of the creators and writers. A special guest star came out half way through the panel, Lucy Lawless and announced that her character would be back for the final season of BSG. It was a fun panel. The next panel I didn't really have to stay and see but I wanted to see the panel after so I sat through the Futurama panel, which turned out to be very funny.. they did a live read. It was a very entertaining panel. And finally another favorite of mine was the Joss Whedon panel. He stood on stage and talked for over an hour about everything he is currently working on. After that I had about an hour to go down to the floor and walk around a bit. I got back to the hotel around 7:30pm and I was so tired that I decided just to hang out in the hotel room, order room service and relax. It was a fun third day.
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