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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Job

    Even though my new job doesn't start till September they asked me to come in a few times during the next month. So today was the first of those days. I went in expecting to work a few hours but in the end I was there for nine hours, there is so much organizing that needs to be done. I'm not sure what there former Post person did.. but they did not do there job.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Comic Con Day 4

    Well today is the final day of comic con. We checked out of the hotel and I had to drag all my stuff/toys/bags to Tom's car in the parking structure that we found for $12 a day, it was about seven blocks away from the hotel. With everything stored away in the car we made it the con around 10:30am. I had planned several panels but really felt that I haven't spent enough time on the floor so I opted not to do panels and instead walk around the floor and enjoy the crowds. We had planned to leave around 2pm to beat the crowds because the con closed at 4pm today. Around noon I noticed that my cell phone was missing. I had just used it ten minutes before but in that short amount of time it was gone. I spent the next hour walking around the floor trying to find Tom because he was going to call me when we were ready to go. I finally called Harry from a pay phone and had him call Tom and tell him to meet me, since my phone book was at home. Tom and I walked around the floor for another hour. I was kind of bummed that this was how the con was going to end for me. Well right before we left I went to the Lost and Found and asked if anything turned in a cell phone. Sure enough I was lucky and someone turned in my phone so I got it back. After that we did one more walk around the floor then headed home.

    All in all this con was busier then the past but that can be said for every con as the years go by. I felt that there wasn't as many people dressed up as in years past. I enjoyed the panels I went to, again had to really make some hard choices. Comic Con 2007 is over.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Got a New Job!!!!

    Well I got a phone call yesterday and they offered me the job for the second season for a TLC show. It's at a bit lower rate than I normally get but it does last 30 weeks, which is a pretty long time. So I accepted and I start in September.

Comic Con Day 3

    Well the third day of con was my panel day. Ballroom 20 was going to have most of what I wanted to see. As with all Cons you have to pick and chose what you want to see. There are always two or three things going on at the same time that you want to see.. you just have to decide which one you wanted to see more. So I choose Ballroom 20. I got in line at 9:30am, the line was huge. I got in to the building around 10am and got a seat about halfway back from the front panel. First up was the Bionic Woman Exclusive Pilot Screening and Q&A. This was a cool pilot and I look forward to watching it when it comes out this fall. Next was TV Guide Hot List, this was the panel that I could have done without but I knew if I left the room I would not be able to get back in. Plus this panel was cool. It had several stars and producers from 4400, Kyle XY, Bionic Woman, Heroes, and Jericho. It wound up being a really cool panel. Finally the panel I was really looking forward to... Heroes Season 2. The entire cast and some of the executives talked about season 2 of one of the most popular series around. They didn't really give any huge news away about season two but they did give us a sneak peek of the season, which was great. After Heroes another favorite of mine was next, the Battlestar Galactica panel. Three of the main women were there. Number 6, Starbuck and President Roslin along with some of the creators and writers. A special guest star came out half way through the panel, Lucy Lawless and announced that her character would be back for the final season of BSG. It was a fun panel. The next panel I didn't really have to stay and see but I wanted to see the panel after so I sat through the Futurama panel, which turned out to be very funny.. they did a live read. It was a very entertaining panel. And finally another favorite of mine was the Joss Whedon panel. He stood on stage and talked for over an hour about everything he is currently working on. After that I had about an hour to go down to the floor and walk around a bit. I got back to the hotel around 7:30pm and I was so tired that I decided just to hang out in the hotel room, order room service and relax. It was a fun third day.

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Simpsons Movie

    So I took a break from Comic Con. The Simpsons Movie was opening the weekend that we were down in San Diego for Con so after Friday's Con day Tom and I went and sas The Simpsons Movie. I really enjoyed the movie. It's just like the TV series but longer. I was afraid it was going to be one shtick after another, but it wasn't. It was a really funny and entertaining story. If you love the Simpsons you'll love the movie.

Comic Con Day 2

    Today I had planned go to about six panels but as it normally goes when you are on the floor in the dealers room you are having so much fun that you decide to stay and skip panels. So I went to the Warner Brothers panel first thing at 10am, it was okay there weren't really any kind of movies that I would want to see. After that I went back down the to floor and had so much fun walking around and taking pictures and checking out all the cool stuff. Later in the day I wanted to go to the Eureka panel and got in line about a hour before the panel. The line was huge and I wasn't sure I was going to get in, but of course that is how it normally goes and I got in. That was alot of fun and some of the stars were there so that was extra fun. After that panel I went back down to the floor and hung out there till 7pm (when it closes). It was a fun day.. again tons of people but you expect that. Next up is Day 3, the day of panels.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Comic Con Day 1

    Today is the first Day of San Diego Comic Con. Tom and I left at 9:30am hoping to get down to San Diego by Noon... traffic was horrible and we didn't get there until 2pm. When we got to the hotel, which we were paying a ton for. There parking was full. The reason I picked this place was because they had parking. So we had to run around and find a place to leave our car and hope a spot would open up in the hotel.

    Since it took longer then we planned I missed the first panel I wanted to go to, Paramount PIctures. So I headed to the dealers room "the floor" and had some fun taking pictures and getting some free swag. The next panel I wanted to do was Lost so I got in line about an hour and a half earlier to make sure I got in. The Lost panel was fun, they keep very tight lipped on stuff but they do give us little tib bits of news like Michael is coming back to the island. Jack and Claire will find out that they are half brother and sister and that the shows will be made of flashbacks, flashforwards and present time all in one episode.

    That is the only panel I did today.. it was so crowded for a Thursday. I also got to met an internet friend and his wife and we hung out. Not the way I wanted to start my Con experience but it wasn't a total waste of day. Next up... Day Two.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Chris

    oday is the birthday of one of my favorite guys out there. Happy Birthday Chris Quilty. Hope you have a great one... you deserve the very best.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


    Yes I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I cried, I laughed, I was totally stunned. What an incredible ending to an unbelievable series. I'm not going to spoil anything here just in case you haven't finished the book. All I'm going to say now is that I was very satisfied with the ending. We got answers to almost every question that was asked through out the series. JK Rowling is a writing Queen!!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful world of Harry Potter.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Book 7 Continues and Wii

    Today I got to Chapter 29, it's almost over.. it's hard to believe that in a few more chapters I will be done and the Harry Potter saga will be over. I try not to get sad about it and I know I have the seven book to enjoy over and over again but it's hard knowing that this is it.. after this there will be no more.

    Later in the day Harry and I went over to our friend Bruce's place and we placed to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoinex Wii video game. It was so much fun yet so much work to get your wand movement just right to cast the spell. It was a fun night.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter Book 7 continues

    Well I just finished Chapter 20 and all I have to say is Wow.. this is a very emotional rollar coaster ride. I am loving how this book is going.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Reading Harry Potter Book 7

    Well I went to bed around 2am but couldn't really sleep so I got up around 7am and started to read the final Harry Potter book. I was conflicted because I want to read it and find out what happens but then I don't want to read it to fast and finish it because this is the last. I managed to read two chapters the morning I got it and I read another nine chapters today. I figure if I read about 12 chapters a day I can read it in three days. Will see how that works. So far the book is awesome... so dark and so good. JK has really outdone herself and I'm only on the first 11 chapters... I can't wait to read more.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

    Well it's finally here.. the final book in the wonderful Harry Potter series is being released at 12:01am Saturday. Tom, Bruce and I went to a Borders "Harry Potter Book party" Friday night. It was a lot of fun, there were a ton of people there, some dressed (yes I dressed as a Hogwarts student) but everyone was very excited to get their hands on the last Harry Potter book. Since we didn't pre-order the book from Borders we decided to head over to Ralphs to get our books at 12:01. We got to Ralphs and the parking lot was full. There were about thirty people in line waiting for 12:01 to hit so we could get the book. Well I finally got my book around 12:15am and was very excited yet very depressed. I'm excited to read the final book.. but this is the final book. There will be no more Harry Potter books. No more book parties, No more exciting anticipation, No more Harry Potter. There will never be anything else like the phenomena called Harry Potter.

    Bruce and I actually sat down on my couch around 1am and read the first chapter. Bruce left and I read one more chapter before I went to sleep. I need to read this book within five days since I'm going to comic con and I don't want to be spoiled. I'm sure I'll have not problem doing so.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Last of the Wedding Stuff

    This was our last weekend to finish up getting all of our wedding stuff. We got alcohol, various cups, organized music, and pick up some odds and ends.. Now there are only a few little things left to get but everything seems to be in order.

Harry Potter 5 In IMAX

    Today Harry and I went to Citywalk to see Harry Potter 5 at the IMAX theater. The last twenty minutes are in 3D. All I have to say is WOW. I loved this movie already and seeing it on one of the biggest screens and in 3D made me love it even more. Such a great experience. The only weird thing is when they let us out of the theater, they ushered us out the back and no one knew where to go so we walked around the back area of Citywalk then into the employee only section going up stairs and down escalators. We finally found our way back to the front of Citywalk.. it was very bizarre. Anyways.. loved the movie in 3D.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Finally Completed My HP Costume

    Well last year I got my Harry Potter Gryffindor robe, scarf and vest but I needed a tie. They didn't have the tie I wanted. I have waited for months for them to get them in stock. Well today I finally went to Whimsic Alley and got the last of the adult tie that I have been waiting for. Now I have my complete Hogwarts Costume. Harry Potter Rocks!!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Job Interview

    Today I had a job interview for the second season of a TLC show. I though it went really well.. I had heard about this from a former line producer who is the line producer on the show. They wanted to call a few reference and would let me know within a week... wish me luck.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Comic Con Schedule

    Today the Comic Con Schedule came out. Now I can go through the four days and create my schedule of what I would like to see. Of course I never stick by it but it's nice to see what I will be missing. There are always things that are a must and then there are things that I can see if I get tired of walking around the dealers room. As always there are tons of conflict but I just have to pick and choose what I really want to see. I can't wait for Comic Con.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Harry Potter 5 Again

    Today Harry and I along with our friends Bruce, John and Mosies went to Grauman's Chinese Theater. I have watched the last four movies at least once at the Grauman's. It's a beautiful theater and the screen and sounds are excellent. We got to the theater a few hours early just so we could get a good seat. We were about seventh in line but by the time Bruce, John and Mosies showed up the people in front let in another 15 people. Even with all those folks we got a really good seat. I was worried what Bruce was going to think of the movie since he hasn't been a fan of the last few.. but he liked it.. everyone liked it. After the movie Bruce, Harry and I went to Jonny Rockets for some dinner. It was a fun night.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    Today the fifth Harry Potter movie opened and of course I had to see it first thing. I was going to go to a midnight showing, then a 9:45am showing, then 1:30pm showing.. but things kept popping up and delaying us, but we were finally able see the 4:30 showing. We got there two hour early to get in line. We were about seven people back from the front.. it was super hot and we were dying. But after an hour and a half they let us in and we managed to get some of the best seats in the theater.

    Now for the movie... As you all know I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. I have read and listened to all the six of the books many many times and highly anticipating the seventh and final book... anyways back to the movie. In short I LOVED IT... this was my favorite of the five movies so far, but I tend to say that with each new movie. This one was much darker and very story driven. This is the longest novel and yet the shortest movie and it just flies by. The SFX are awesome of course and the acting continues to improve. I think the managed to capture the essence of the story but they did cut a huge amount of the book from the movie.. but this was expected. This movie starts off with a bang and continues move fast forward up to the last 25 minute final battle, which is unbelievable. This movie is the most adult of the five. The new characters are fantastic, both Umbridge and Luna are played perfectly. I am seeing this again Friday night at Mann's Chinese theater with some friends and then again with my Dad on Sunday. Some Harry Potter fans will be disappointed at all the cuts, that just the way it is. But this Harry Potter fan enjoys the books as one version of Harry Potter and the movies as another version of Harry Potter. Can't wait to see it again.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Harry Potter 5 Tickets

    So today we went back to AMC Burbank to see if we could exchange our tickets for a later showing. It wasn't a problem at all.. so instead of 1pm we are going to see Harry Potter 5 at 4:30pm instead. As we were leaving I noticed that there are already lines forming for the 12:15AM showing that night.. BTW it was only 2pm. There were about twenty or so people already in line and again there were even more lines for the 9:45am showing.. and yes there were a few people in line for that. I'm a true fan of Harry Potter but I would not wait in line more then a few hours.

    After getting tickets for Wednesday (opening day) at AMC Burbank, we headed to Grauman's to get tickets for Friday night, to see the movie with our friends at 7pm. Of course we get there and something is going on ESPY'S awards and it was a bit crazy but did manage to make to the theater and buy tickets for Friday at 7pm.

    So will be seeing Harry Potter Wednesday at 4:30pm, Friday at 7pm and possibly Sunday with my Dad. And of course will have to see it in IMAX 3D.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Harry Potter Trio Hand, Feet and Wand in Cement Ceramony

    Well like in my previous blog, the next day after the premiere the three main actors were going to be putting there hand, feet and wands in cement in front of Grauman's Chienese Theater. I figured since it was a Monday and folks would be working that it might not be a crazy as it was yesterday during the premiere. Well I was wrong... I got to Hollywood about an hour before it was suppose to start and again there must have been a few thousand people there. in the stands, along the streets all over the place. I actually parked and walked over to the place but I couldn't see anything and it was so hot outside I figure it wasn't worth saying. It was so much choas that I took a few picture of the crowds and headed back home.

    Later in the day Harry and I went to AMC in Burbank where we plan on watching HP5 on Wednesday. We figure that 9:45 was too early for us so we got advance tickets for 1pm on Wednesday. When we get home there is a not on our door from our apartment complex telling me that they are inspecting the apartment on Wedesday between the hours of 9am and Noon. So we would no longer be able to get to the movie before 1. Going to try tomorrow and see if I can exchange the tickets for a later time. I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Harry Potter Premiere in Los Angeles

    Well the next few weeks are going to be full of Harry Potter.. Harry Potter 5 premieres this week and it had it's US premiere here in Los Angeles. Since I had the time off I was going to go down and check it out. I got up early that day to head down there but I started to read stuff online and found out that folks have been camping out 24 hours in advance.. I figured I wouldn't have a chance so I decided not to try and get down there. Later I heard on the news that there were over a three thousand people there. I was very happy that I didn't try to attempt to go down. Oh well we still have two more movies to premiere.


    This is a TV series on the USA network, I have wanted to watch this since it premiered in 2004 but always seemed to miss it and figure I would catch it at a later date. So three years later I was able to finally sit down and watch the entire first season (only six episodes). This was a very cool TV series, it had some good stories and the characters were very cool. You think it's an alien abduction but find out it's something more. I like this series because they explain what is going on at the end of season one.. they don't drag it out for many seasons. But with that said there are still a lot of questions. The cool thing is it's currently on its fourth season so I have a lot more to enjoy. If you don't know what it's about.. here's a synopsis.. but there are some spoilers at the end.

    When a passing comet abruptly changes course and hurtles towards Earth, there is widespread panic and distress as people prepare for Armageddon. However, the comet does not crash: instead, it slows down, hovers, and eventually touches down on a lake in the Pacific Northwest.

    Finally, 4400 people emerge from a blinding white light, people from all different ages and walks of life who have been presumed dead or missing -- and none aged even a day from when they were last seen. It's as if a giant time capsule full of people has been opened up, unaltered and untouched by time.

    Although not immediately evident, it soon becomes apparent that The 4400 have each been returned with a special power as they unwittingly begin to exhibit abilities including superhuman strength, healing touch, and clairvoyance. Eager to revisit memories from their past and reunite with those they left behind, two worlds collide as 4400 people acclimated to living in the past are forced to deal with the new challenges of living in the present.

    A new federal division agency of Homeland Security called NTAC (National Threat Assessment Command) is formed to follow The 4400, lead by Tom Baldwin, a crime investigator, and Diana Skouris, a bio medic. Tom's involvement is personal: his nephew Shawn was one of the 4400 people abducted - and, if not for Shawn, his son Kyle would have been abducted instead.

    Building their investigation case by case, Tom and Diana slowly begin to shed light on the mystery of the 4400. Finally, on the very beach where Shawn was abducted, they learn the truth about what happened: The 4400 were not abducted by aliens, but instead were taken by humans living hundreds of thousands of years in the future. Facing an end stage of human evolution and with a vested interest in the betterment of their predecessors, they have sent back The 4400 to play pivotal roles in upcoming events that will impact the future of mankind.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Last Day of Work

    Woo-Hoo!!! This is my last day of work. I am so happy to be putting this job behind me. If you have read my previous blog I quit this job because of problems with the executive producer. But the last week was fairly uneventful. I said my good-byes and left it all behind. A huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. You know it was the right decision when you have less stress with "no" job rather then with a job.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


    Today for the fourth Harry and I went out to Burbank to have lunch and see a movie. We wanted to see Transformers and got to the theater about noon. It was a mad house and every showing of Transformers was sold out, luckily the 4:05 showing had some tickets because that is the one we wanted to see, so we got our tickets. We had lunch at one of our favorite places Island. And then walked back to the theater and saw a line starting for Transformers already.. we still had a little over 2 1/2 hours. It was the hottest it's been all well in the 100's and we didn't want to sit there so we went to the mall for a half hour to stay cool. We walked back and saw the line was getting longer so we got into and roasted for an hour and a half before they let us in.

    Now for the movie... it was a very fun movie, alot of action, alot of fighting, alot of explosions. The SFX were top notch, which we expected and the story though simple was complete and really explained who and what the Autobots and Decepticans are. The actors were good especially Shia Labeouf. If I had a complaint about the movie is that at times when robot is fighting robot it's hard to tell who is who. But other than that this is a fun roller coaster ride of a movie.

Happy Fourth of July

    I hope everyone has a great 4th...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Back to Work

    Well today I went back to work after giving my two weeks notice. I started to tell my co-workers and it was nice because they were upset that I was leaving and I got to hear what a good boss I am and it was a good confident builder. Most of them totally understand where I was coming from.. which was nice meaning it wasn't just me. My boss came in my office and asked if we needed to talk.. to said "NO" and she continued to go on and tell me how I need to be more communicative and she wish I would have talked to her before I quit.. blah blah blah.. I told her I liked her as a person, she said.. well not according to my letter. I corrected her and said.. I think you are a good person just a horrible boss. She didn't like that much but oh well. She was very nice the rest of the day. Telling what's going on in post, asking me to do stuff and saying please and if you have time. It was kind of odd. Then I went upstairs to my line producers office and we chatted. He understood why I quit, he did say he didn't know how bad things were for me, I did talk to him a month earlier about quitting. He said they would keep me on only for a week, which was fine with me.. so at the end of this week I will be unemployed... but you know what.. I DON'T CARE!!!!

    I plan on taking the rest of the month of July off and start a new job in August.