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Saturday, June 2, 2012

When it Rains it Pours

    Well today has not been a great day. Woke up and had breakfast with my friend Christopher. Planned on relaxing all day. Breakfast went great and as I was driving home I noticed that my brakes were making noise. My brakes have been sqeaking the past few weeks but now they are starting to grind (that's not good). So now my weekend was going to be spent getting my brakes fixed. I get home and go and ge a soda and realize that our fridge is not working.. yep.. the fride died last night sometime and everything has been slowly defrosting. So Harry and I went to Best Buy to buy a new fridge and since I was going to buy a new one I wanted a side by side one with water and ice in the door. We found a decent Wirlpool for $900 but on sale for $799.00 so we got that one but since it was past 7pm they can't deliever it till Monday. So we are trying to rescue our frozen foods and hope we can keep them semi cold till then. And if that wasn't bad enough I was hanging some pictures up and standing on the side of the couch and guess what.. it cracked and broke. So one side of our couch in now broken. So this nice relaxing weekend turned into a money pit. And just when I had enough money to put some into my saving.. guess I should be happy that I have the money to buy a new fridge and brakes.. the couch is going to have to wait.


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