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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Pixar's Up and Visiting Dad

    It's been a while since we visited my Dad with all the house hunting and all so today we headed east to Corona do go out to lunch with my Dad and see a movie.

    For lunch we did our favorite Chinese restaurant Hong Kong. After that we headed to the movies to see either Star Trek or UP. When we got there Star Trek started too late so we opted for UP.

    UP is Pixar's new movie. I have loved every single Pixar movie that has been mad and would consider many of them in my top ten of all movies. So I had high hopes for UP and it didn't disappoint. First we got a short called "Partly Cloudy" which was very cute and enjoyable. Then the movie started. I was crying five minutes into it and thought to myself.. "oh man this isn't good"

    Here's a brief synopsis of the movie UP...

    The 78 year old balloon salesman Carl Frederick finally fulfills his lifelong dream of a great adventure when he ties thousands of balloons to his house and flies away to the wilds of South America. But he discovers all too late that he has a stow away on the trip; an overly optimistic 8 year old Wilderness Explorer named Russell. You're taken on a hilarious journey into the lost world, with the least likely duo on Earth.

    This was another Pixar hit. I can't say it was my favorite Pixar movie but that's not really saying much as all the movies are excellent. It was fun, witty, charming, moving and adventurous all rolled into one. The characters were endearing, especially Doug the dog who had a fondness for squirrels. If you are a fan of Pixar go see UP you won't be disappointed.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Very Yummy Find..

    While we waited for Harry's appointment with Lenscrafters at the Northridge Mall we went in search of some lunch. We found a new place that neither of us had ever heard of Wood Ranch BBQ and Grill.

    It sounded good as we both love a good steak. It was a nice atmosphere and they started off with some very yummy rolls. When then ordered BBQ Chicken Breasts and grilled baked beans for me and Steak and mash potatoes for Harry... OMG it was some of the best BBQ I have ever had. The chicken and beans were wonderful. Harry really seemed to be liking is steak and mash potatoes. Of course the meal was a bit expensive and we couldn't do it everyday but man what a find it was worth every penny... we can't wait to go back.

Eye Sight

    Today Harry informed me that he has been having vision issue the past few months. I was not too happy that he waited so long to tell me. So we went to lencrafters to have his eye sight checked. There was a slight difference in one eye of .25 improvement. So he decided to get new lenses, but they were having a $100 off sale so he picked out some frames as well and got a whole new pair of glasses. I think I need to be next as my glasses sometimes give me a headache.. if it's not one thing its something else.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Locked and Loaded

    After talking it over with Harry we both really love the house so we went for the FHA loan with BofA. We had to decide if we were going to use points or not. With an FHA loan you already have 1.25 points but we could go higher and get a lower interest rate. Again Harry and I talked and decided that we would go with 3.375 points which would add an additional $9,271.97 to our closing costs of $4774.00 for a total of $14045.97 in closing costs but it drops our annual interest rate to 4.875%. We did the math and it will take us 4 years and 1 month to break even but then after that every payment will be saving $187 in interest every month. Another thing about FHA loans is that home owner taxes and insurance are built into your monthly payment. With conventional loans you can opt not to include them and pay them bi-annually. So with our house payment, mortgage insurance, home owner insurance and taxes our monthly housing payment will be $2,054.20 a month, but will include everything for the house. And in 4 years 1 month we lose $113 a month dropping our payments down to $1941.20 for the remaining 25 years.

    So we started the process of our loan, I'm sure I'll be approved. Next up are well, septic tank and house inspections and then appraisal. And if all goes well the house will be our at the end of July. I'll keep you posted.

On the Road Again

    Well after yesterdays little panic attack, today seems to be going better. Been on the phone and computer dealing with finanacing this manufactured home. Got a hold of our BofA loan rep and she informed me that BofA can do a loan for a manufactured home but it's not a conventional one. Instead it's something called FHA Loan. In short it's the same kind of loan as a conventional one except you have to pay mortgage insurance regardless of the amount you put down. The good news is you only pay for five years and then you can drop it. So if we go this route will be paying roughly $10,000 more dollars then we would with a conventional loan which we will not get if we want this house.

    The other option that Marie came up with was to do several loans, she found someone who will loan our a large chunk of the money but not all. So we would have to find a second person to loan the rest of the money and of course a second home loan always has a higher percentage rate.

    Need to talk with Harry but I think we are going with the FHA loan... I'll keep you posted.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Bump in the Road

    Today I contacted the loan officer within our Realtor's company to see what kind of deal she could give us, maybe something better then BofA. Well a few hours later after talking to her she called me along with our Realtor Mary and said we have a snag. I thought.. OH NO.. Marie (the loan officer) pulled the title of our potential house and noticed that it's listed as a Mobil Home. And in H.U.D. (Housing Urban Development) it is listed as a Manufactured home on a permanent foundation. Which means the house was built elsewhere and brought to that location.

    Well come to find out that in today's scary mortgage times banks and loan companies are not giving loans for Manufactured homes. So we are now scrambling to find someone who will finance us and this house. We have an inspection set for Wednesday and we don't want to pay $1000 to inspect a home that we will not be able to finance. I have a call into our my BofA rep to find out if BofA will finance us with this manufactured home. And Maire is searching high and low for someone.. keep you fingers crossed.. we may lose this home. :(

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So it begins...

    So far today I have received several emails from my Mary, our Realtor that I had to print out, sign and fax back to her. I sent out our 3% check to the escrow company. Mary has set up an appointment with our house inspector, well inspector and septic tank inspector for next Wednesday June 3rd. Going to cost us about $1000 for all the inspections but it's well worth the money. Have to contact BofA, who I initial got my pre-approval loan through and see what the current rate is, then I have to contact another loan company and see if I can get a better deal. It's alot of work but I know in the end will have a beautiful house waiting for us....

    ....the adventure continues.

Monday, May 25, 2009

WE GOT THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At 3:01 today Harry and I became Home Owners. I got a call from Mary our Realtor and the first thing she said was Congratulations. My mouth dropped open and I said.. you're kidding me. The home owners accepted your offer. There were not counter offers other then instead of the 45 day escrow that we requested they asked for a 60 day escrow which is even better for us since we still have four months under our current lease. So Harry and I are now home owners.. of course we still have a lot to do, inspections and appraisals but if all goes well in about two months we will official own the house. Both Harry and I were stunned with the news. After the phone call we went back to watching TV with stupid grins on our faces, every once in a while I'd poke him and say, "We're home owners" and they we laugh.

    Let's hope for a smooth escrow.. I'll keep you posted.

    BTW you can see more pictures of the house here.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

No Word.. well kind of

    Got a text from our Realtor today letting us know that the home owners and their realtor were getting together tomorrow to go over our offer.. so we wait.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Making an Offer

    At 5pm today Harry and I went to our Realtor Mary's office. We had decided to make an offer on the first house we saw in Agua Dulce. They were asking $369,900 so we put in an offer for $355,000. They have three days to accept, counter offer or decline... now we just wait.

    Even though this is our second offer on a house our first one was really a back up offer and we knew it wouldn't lead to anything.. this one may actually lead to use buying a house. It's very stressful trying to figure out if this is the right house for you. I mean it feels like the right house, we like the area, we like the house's outside, we like the land, we like the inside of the house. Only thing that we really don't like it the distance to our friends, family and work. But we figure friends and family can come to visit on weekends and get away from the city. I'm sure I'll get use to commuting to work. I do have my Books on CD so I'll just get to enjoy those more. Of course all this worrying can be for nothing as we haven't gotten the house yet..... just breath.

House Hunting

    Today Harry and I went House Hunting again. Up at 9:30am and went over to the Mary's office. We were checking out 3 houses up in Agua Dulce and one house in Winnetka. First we went up north and checked out the first house in Agua Dulce. It was a 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom house, located on a hill and had some beautiful views. This house is located on 2.2 acres of land. The bigger part of the land is a downhill slope and of not too much use but there was still a fair amount of land that we could use to expand the house if needed. This house was great inside and out and it definitely going to be put on our "maybe" list.

    We then checked out the second house. This house was on 10 Acre land, but the house itself was pretty much a disaster. This house needed much more work then a fixer needed a complete tear down. The only reason to consider that property would be for the land. But for that, the price was way too high and neither Harry nor I intend want to become farmers anytime soon. So we removed that house entirely from our list.

    We then went to house number 3. This house was okay and had 3 bedrooms. Neither Harry nor I felt that this would be the right house, although it had a really nice open floor plan, that we both liked. One thing we didn't like about this house is we didn't know where the property line was. There was small western town built right below the house and we weren't sure if it was on the property or part of the house down the road. So we moved on to the final house of the day.

    The house in Winnetka had 3 bedrooms and was absolutely beautiful. It was located on a 8000 square foot lot, in a nice and fairly quite neighborhood. Of course it wasn't as secluded as the first house we saw. Overall a really nice house but I knew Harry really liked the open space more secluded house and to be honest so did I. So we never really consider this one.

    So that was our house shopping day. We really liked our first house. It was a bit of a drive but was it worth it to have a nice piece of land and be in a very quiet and secluded neighborhood. As we drove back to Mary's office Harry and discussed it. I knew he wanted it and he said it was up to me as I will be doing more the driving. I came to the conclusion that it was right for me as well. It's everything we would want in a house. But before we made the offer we went home for a few hours and planned to meet back up at our Realtor's office at 5pm.. We would then make our decision.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Star Trek Figures

    I swore I wouldn't be buying any of the new Star Trek figures, but after seeing the movie and told Harry I think I need to buy these figures. And today on my lunch I decided to stop into Toys R Us and take a look and see what they had. Well there was a huge Star Trek display. For the new action figure they come in 3 3/4" , 6" and 12". I liked the 12" ones because they had the most details... but as of now the 12" figures had characters for Spock, McCoy, Kirk and Old Spock. I wanted the entire crew. So it was either 6" or 3 3/4". I went with the 6" because they were the next best with details. I told myself I would only buy them if they had all 9 figures... well they had all 9 so I bought them all. It was kind of funny as the sale lady asked if I needed a gift receipt and I said no that they are for me. She then handed me a bag and said you want to bag them I don't want to feel the pressure of bagging these for a collector.

    So now I own all 9 of the 6" Star Trek figures. Luckily the 6" figures didn't have a transporter or bridge set like the 3 3/4" ones.. now I must resist buying those. Ugg the life of a collector.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary Daisy

    Today four years ago we got our little miss Daisy. She's come a long way from this scared unapproachable skinny thing. She can drive me crazy sometime but I couldn't imagine my life without her unconditional love.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Getting My Hopes Up

    Today our Realtor IM'd me and said "They accepted your offer on the Calvin house" This is the house that both Harry and I loved but someone put an offer in right before us. My heart started to pound. I wrote back "WHAT!! Really the Calvin home" I couldn't believe what I was reading. She then wrote "yes, as a backup" and my bubble burst. For a moment I thought the first offer fell through and they accepted our offer on the house. But I guess even though they have an offer in they still have to accept back up offers. So our offer was accepted and we are back where we began. Just waiting to see if the first persons sale goes through. Will continue to look..

V Trailers

    I know I'm being a bit V obsessed but I was and still am a huge "V" fan of the original miniseries and series so I'm excited to see what ABC does with this re-boot.

    Here are some trailers shown to the media.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More V clips

    Gives me chills.. I love Morena

V Clips

    ABC just released two V clips/scenes from there upcoming pilot...

    They look so gooooooood!!!!!!!!!

V is Back!!!!

    I'm a huge V fan from the 80's, use to run my own V Fan Club. So when I heard that ABC commissioned a pilot I was very happy and then today we heard that they actually ordered 13 episodes for a mid season replace show during there 2009/2010 TV season.

    ABC released 30 cast and scene photo.. you can see them here.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Goodies Monday

    Today when I got home from work there were quite a few packages waiting for me. First the wonderfully talented Robin Thorsen (Clara from The Guild) sent me some autographed photos for my Knights of the Guild Podcast.

    Then I got a really cool business card holder for my new KOTG and Professional Business Cards.

    And then I got our Knights of the Guild promotional items, Bookmarks, Magnets and Postcards.

    Lot's of goodies...

    Oh and we watched the finale of Survivor, and I'm so happy J.T. won. It was a shut out vote 7 to none. Folks couldn't resist his southern charm.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Photo Shoot

    After house hunting I met up with Jenni, my co-host on Knights of the Guild, at one of her friends places who happens to be a photographer. We were going to get some pictures taken of us for promotional use for our Knights of the Guild Podcast. Also we have had listeners interested in getting autographed photos of Jenni and I.. crazy as that sounds so will take one of these photos and get head shots made.

    It was such a weird experience, kind of awkward, not knowing where to stand and pose and I pretty much gave the same big smile each time. I have never had any aspirations of becoming an actor. I love the entertainment business and work behind the scenes. But getting pictures taking because fans want autographed photos never crossed my mind when I started KOTG. Not that I don't appreciate the recognition, it's just not something I was looking for.

House Hunting

    Today Harry and I started out day house hunting with our Realtor. Our first house was up on Agua Dulce, which is a bit further north then Santa Clarita. It's about a 45 minute drive with no traffic from our current house. But the house was huge, custom made, had many levels and so many rooms. It was beautiful on the side and in the middle of no where. There was one other house next door but that was it. From the kitchen it had a beautiful view of the valley below. Everything was fantastic and I would have put an offer in on it right then and there but for one thing. Behind the property were two humongous electrical towers. You could hear the electricity flowing through them. When we first drove up I thought no way.. but then saw the inside and considered it. But then again thought no way as if we ever wanted to re-sale the house that would be a deal breaker and we can't "fix" that problem. So next we went do a house in Granda Hills but it was on a busy street and next to a high school. After that we went to a house in Northridge but the area was rundown and the house was a duplex and needed so much work to make it nice. And finally we did one more house in Northridge and it was nice, but needed quite a bit of work and had a very small backyard.

    So it was a bust.. well almost. I know Harry loved the Agua Dulce house and so did I so we are keeping it on our list and will think about it the next few days. After searching for houses we went back to our Realtor's office and put in a back up offer on the Calvin house that we really loved. So far the sale is going through.. but until it is sold we can hold out hope that it will fall through.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A New Truck!!!

    Well since Harry got his inheritance, besides the down payment for a house he wanted to buy himself a "newer" Truck. He went back and forth between Dodge and Ford and finally settled on a Dodge Ram 1500 4x4. So he mapped out five different Dodge dealers and we set out early this morning. First one we went to (Canoga Park Dodge) had two Dodge Rams 4x4, lots of 2x4 but Harry wants 4x4. But the only issue is that these were new trucks and were priced $38,000 to $42,000 and well out of our price range of $25,000 to $30,000. Of course Harry sees it and says.. I LOVE IT in front of the salesman. We go on to tell the gentleman that we are looking for more of a used one and a lower price. Well they had one used Dodge Ram but it was in White and that was the one color Harry did not want. So the salesman really wanted to sale us the Truck so we went back to his office and he drew up some numbers. He first came back with a $5,000 off the ticket price plus fees (additional $4,000). Which brought the total to around $37,000 out the door. I told him that it was still to much and that we can't spend more then $30,000. Of course the guy laughed and went back to his boss. A few minutes later he came back out and said.. okay we can give you the truck for $28,000 (that's $10,000 off the ticket price), plus the $4,000 taxes and fees for a total of $32,000 exactly. Well we knew it was a pretty good deal but this was our first dealer and we really didn't want to spend more then $25,000. So I thanked him, told him we wanted to see a bit more but would be back.

    Next we went to the Dodge dealer in Van Nuys and found out it was out of business. So we moved on to the Dodge dealer in Glendale and they had four or five Used Dodge Rams but all of them 2x4. We stopped for a quick lunch at Sizzler and then drove north to the San Fernando Dodge dealer and found out that it too went out of business. Next we drove even further north to Valencia Dodge. And a side note it was hot in the valley but it had to be 15 degrees hotter in Santa Clarita Valley. Anyways we found the dodge dealer but they had no used Dodge truck. We started to head a little north west to Simi Valley Dodge but I was tired and said instead of us driving around we should all these places and find out if they actually are in business and have used Dodge trucks.. so we headed home. Once home we started to look for trucks online. There were a few but the prices were $25,000 to $29,000 and they had 202 to 30 thousand miles on them. I turned to Harry and said should be just go get the brand new truck as it didn't make sense to spend a few thousands less for a used car. Harry of course said yes so we went back to our first dealer (Canogo Park Dodge) and started the process of buying the truck. Besides the $32,000 cost of the truck and fees we purchased a lifetime warranty for the truck for another $2,060 so in the end we paid in CASH (well a check). $34,060.00 for a 2009 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4.

    This was the first time in my life that I was buying a new car but also paying cash for a new car. My heart was racing as I was writing that check for over 34,000 dollars. Of course Harry said just wait, with the house you are going to write a check for $100,000 dollars... great!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

KOTG Promotional items

    Got some promotional items from our Cafe Press store.. three different sizes of Buttons.

    Also got a t-shirt for Jenni and I, they are AWESOME.

Knights of the Guild Episode 4

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Paying Off Our Debt

    Today I payed off our credit card, dental credit card and my jeep.

    Harry and I are now officially DEBT FREE!!!!!

    It was awesome being able to make such large payments but it's also kind of scary making such large payments...

    I was Debt free a few years before I meet Harry and it was great but it didn't last. This time I can guarantee it will last. I refuse to go into the debt again.. other then a house of course, but that's not debt that's an investment.

Dr. Appointment

    Just got back from the Doctors. I started taking some medicine and they want to do some blood work to make sure it's working. Everything was good until we go to my blood pressure.. 147 over 95 is the highest it's ever been.. kind of scary. Also my weight, which wasn't a surprise to me, ever since I started taking testosterone my appetite has increased 10X and I have gained about 35 pounds in the past six months.. again not good. So I have a few things to work on. But over all things looked good.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It Really Happened

    Today I checked my bank account and my heart skipped a beat. Actually it started to beat fast as a feeling of joy and excitement took control of my body. Harry's inheritance was wired into our bank account today. We knew it was coming but knowing something is coming and actually seeing it in there are two totally different things. I wanted to take a screen grab of my computer screen as I will never see this much money in my back account again.

    Now that the money situation is taking care of we can pay off our debt, buy Harry a new Truck and continue looking for a House.

    Fun times ahead.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Ready Room Podcast #57

    Tonight I spent a few hours editing up The Ready Room podcast for the rpg game happening at the Treks in Sci Fi forums. It's fairly easy I all I have to do is record an opening and closing and then any posts that I have to read for the week, then string them all together and voila it's done.. well my part is done. I then email it to my buddy Rick who adds music and then sends it off to Rico so he can posted in his Tresf podcast feed.

House News

    Well today I send an email to our Realtor and asked about the offer that was made on the House Harry and I really loved.. well she responded and said that the owners accepted their offer and the house is now in escrow. :(

    I guess we knew this was coming but still it's very upsetting this house has been on the market for 450+ days and the weekend we see it and fall in love with it is the weekend someone puts an offer in on it and it's accepted.

    Well it wasn' t meant to be... if it is then escrow will fall through and will get our chance to make an offer on that house... until then we continue to search for a place we can call HOME.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

KOTG Episode 4 is Done

    After my high on Star Trek I wanted to finish up my Knights of the Guild episode 4 podcast as it's due to be posted on Friday the 15th. I spent the next four hours editing it down and tweaking it. It's finally done and I think it's pretty good. Going to send it to Jenni (my co-host) for her approval, not that she ever gives notes.. but it's good to have second pair of ears to listen to it just in case I missed something. I'll do one more pass this week before posting it Thursday PM/ Friday AM.


    Well it was released four days prior but I was finally able to see the new Star Trek movie. I have been excited to see this movie since I heard the were making it but as the date got closer and excitement did not build like it had with other Star Trek films.

    This was a re-boot of the series. Going back to the Kirk era and using all new actors. I was never a huge fan of the TOS (The Original Series) era so maybe that is why I wasn't uber excited to see this. I mean I saw previews and it looked like an AWESOME action movie but it didn't feel like Star Trek.. at least not the Star Trek I grew up on. So I did not see it opening night but knew I wanted to see it opening weekend because most of my friends would have seen it before me and I didn't want to be spoiled. Well spoilers happened and I found out about a few key moments.. oh well.

    Today Harry and I sat there in the theater and waited to see JJ's version of our beloved Star Trek Universe. When it was over I was EXTREMELY EXCITED and LOVED every moment of this new Trek. I like that they created an alternate timeline instead of a erasing the forty years of Trek history. This opened up the storyline for anything to happen and boy did it. Planets blowing up, unexpected folks hooking up and things being slightly tweaked.

    All the actors were fantastic. (going to use their characters names instead of actors names) Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Sulu were spot on. Scotty, Bones and Chekov stood out. Scotty was funny and refreshing, Bones was played perfectly, and Chekov was cute, funny and smart.

    I liked the story, how they tied in the original Trek universe and I loved seeing Leonard Nimoy as old Spock.

    SFX were AWESOME, music was great and the overall movie was fun and entertaining. Of course not everything was perfect but those little things that bothered me were way over shadowed by the cool things that I loved.

    I swore I was not going to buy the new Star Trek action figures.. but as I was getting into the car I turned to Harry and said.. "CRAP!! Now I have to buy the figures."

    I can't wait for the next Trek film.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day Dinner

    After we saw Baby Mittleider, we all went out to a placed called Anchos out in Corona. There were several mothers in our party, including my sister-in-law and my Mom so we celebrated Mother's Day a day early. It was a lot of fun as I rarely get to hang out with Lora's (sister in law) family and they are such a fun group of people. It was a long but fun day.

Baby Mittleider

    Check it this out.. technology has come such a long ways. Today my brother and sister-in-law went a place where they do 3D imaging of your unborn child. It's amazing stuff... there were about 15 of us sitting in this room looking a huge TV screen as they did the 3D ultrasound on my sister in law. It was a very cool experience.

    She still has two months to go but we got a sneak peek at Kenobi Michael Mittleider or Michael Kenobi Mittleider (they haven't decided yet.)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Good News

    The wire transfer is happening, Harry's family has stated the process in Austria and the money should be in my bank account by the end of the next week. Once that has happened we can continue to search for our house.

    More good news... I looked up the house that we really liked but couldn't make an offer on and it's still active, which means they haven't accepted the offer yet and sale is not pending... let's just hope it holds out long enough until we get the funds so we can make an counter offer they can't refuse.

    Will keep you posted.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Star Trek

    Today they are pre-releasing the new Star Trek at 7:00pm. I have many friends who are uber excited and already got their tickets and will be watching it tonight. I on the other hand am not uber excited and haven't been. It's strange as I consider myself a huge geeky trekkie but I just can't get super excited for this film. If this movie was a sequel with TNG, DS9 or Voyager crew then I would be super excited and first in line.. but it's not. Yes I have seen the preview and it looks like a fun movie but I can't consider it Star Trek, at least not the Star Trek that I grew up with and loved.

    Of course I'll see it opening weekend (hopefully Sunday) and I'll hold off judgement until after I see it. And except that I'll love it but not as a continuation of my beloved Star Trek Universe.

    Guess will see.. stayed tuned.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New KOTG Online Store

    Since our Logo is done I was looking into producing some KOTG T-shirts for prizes and gifts. Well I came across Cafe Press and noticed that you can upload you logo and then make all sorts of cool items like T-shirts, magnets, bags, pet supplies, buttons and much more. So I opened a Knights of the Guild Online Store. Where listeners/fans of our podcast can buy KOTG merchandise. Of course we still plan on buying some shirts and other merchandise to give out are prizes and giveaways. If your interested in getting a really cool Knights of the Guild Podcast T-shirt or Button stop by our store and check it out.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Harry and I just got back from watching Wolverine. We both really enjoyed it. We were both entertained. I have heard bad things about it but I knew I would enjoy it and I was right. Of course it's not perfect, wish we saw more of Gambit but it did it's job and explaining the Origin of Wolverine. The Action sequence were cool and the majority of the SFX were pretty sweet. There was some unfinished looking Wolverine blades in some scenes but it didn't take me out of the story. It was great seeing the guest appearance of Patrick Stewart as Professor X and we stuck around and got to see two scenes after the credits. All in all not my favorite of the X-Men movies but still enjoyable and entertaining.

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    Brittany Murphy PicturesBrittany Murphy Pictures

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Knights of the Guild Promotional Stuff

    Since our Logo was finished we were able to order some promotional items to give out to our listeners and at Comic Con.

    Take a look.. First up is a Postcard ( Front & Back)

    Next we have Magnets

    And finally Book markers (Front and Back are the same)

    Still working on doing some T-shirts and possible coffee cups. And for some lucky listeners maybe even a Thong or two. :)

New Knights of the Guild Logo

    Check it out.. it's our new Knights of the Guild Podcast Logo that my friend Jen created along with Matt's caricatures... Thank Jen it looks great.

Happy Birthday Bro

    Happy 34th Birthday to my little Bro.. man I feel old. Happy Brithday Michael

Feeling Better

    I'm feeling better about losing the house.. though it would suck that's part of house buying. I do know that we are going to hold off on looking at houses until the money is secure as I can't handle finding another home we love and not being able to put a bid in on it because red tape.

    I haven't given up hope yet on this current house... not until I get an email from my realtor that says it's sold... then I'll cry.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Losing a House

    Well Harry and I decided that we were going to go ahead and put in an offer on the large lot house that we saw on Saturday. It's been on the market for over 600+ days. It's everything we were looking for and very exited about it. I contacted our Realtor to get a bit more info about it and she informed me that someone put an offer in over the weekend and the home owner just sent a counter offer and they are no waiting to see if the buyer will accept it.

    Well I started to panic as that is our house so we started the process of sending in an offer in hopes that the first offer doesn't work out. The house has been in escrow three times and each time it's fallen through.

    The downpayment money is still in Harry's Austrian bank account and we found out that there is a lot of red tape to wire that much money over to my bank account. So now it looks as though we are not going to be able to make an offer. It's going to take a few weeks now for the money to transfer and all we can do is wait and hope this house stays on the market.

The Ready Room Podcast

    Tonight finished editing the next Ready Room podcast #56. They have gotten a lot easier as we are no longer do commentary on a regular bases and my buddy Rick Moyer is now doing the music pass. It's a huge time saver.

The Guild Season 1 in Three Mintues

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Recording KOTG #4

    Today Jenni come over around 9pm to record Knights of the Guild podcast episode 4. Jared Hoy, the Guild gaffer stopped by to do his interview for our crew section and we spoke with Mary aka WorldofHiglet for our fan interview section. After we were done with the interviews Jenni and I went through and recorded the rest of the show. We finally got done at 11:30pm. Now I just need to edit it before the 15th.. fun times.