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Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Guild BTS Specials

    There are two new Guild specials up on MSN Video.

    First one is Meet the Characters where the cast talks about their character and how they interact with the other characters.

    Second one is Meet the Extras and that's the one I shot, produced and edited. I talk with several of the extras during the four day shoot for episodes 9, 10, 11 and 12.

    A little taste as to what will be on the DVD in May.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Getting No Sleep

    Well last night I went to bed around 1am, well that is when I actually got into bed, but our neighbor dog was barking and for some reason he loves to bark right outside our bedroom window. He/she is some sort of pitbull mix so the bark is loud. The barking started about Midnight and continued non-stop until 4:30am when I finally was able to fall asleep.

    As those of you who know me I am a huge animal lover but around 2:30am I was ready to kill that dog, or at least turn the hose on it. This dog barked constantly, I'm not kidding.. non-stop for hours by the time 4am came around the dog was losing it's bark.

    We have a fan in our bedroom and I turned it on full blast to drown out the bark but that kind of worked and I was finally about to dose off.. I don't know when he stopped but when I got up at 7:30am he wasn't barking.

    I don't blame the dog, these neighbors are horrible to it. They use to have two dogs and then they had puppies. But now they seem to have just this one dog now. They never take it out for walks or give it any kind of attention and when it's raining you can hear it whimpering in the backyard and it breaks your heart. This dog barks all the time and had a barking spree a few months back but only lasted a few hours.. this time it over over 3 1/2 hours. Though I know it's not the dogs fault all my rage last night was toward this poor puppy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


    Knights of the Guild podcast which I started three months ago has just hit 10,000 downloads. It's amazing on how many people listen and continue to listen to our podcast. We actually have fans which is so weird and what is even weirder is they can't wait to meet us down in San Diego for Comic Con this year.

    I just want to thank all those who listen and enjoy Knights of the Guild.. Jenni (my co-host) and I are just fans who happen to work on the second season of The Guild and want to share our experience with other fans.

    The Guild fan community is so wonderful.. ::cheers:: here's to many more podcasts and downloads.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Next Day

    Today Harry and I planned on driving around and looking about over 20 homes in the Van Nuys and Pasadena area. It's funny how one street can be beautiful and quiet and then the next street over is run down and old looking. We found about seven homes to look at in Van Nuys/Lake Balboa. We even found another really nice neighborhood over my the Van Nuys airport.. very excited about that because the houses were nice looking and it seems there were several in our price range.

    Our trip to Pasadena wasn't so great. We had five homes to look at there and the first one was okay on an okay street. The part of Pasadena we were looking at is very old and the houses are very old. Most of the streets and houses were very "lived" in and I felt comfortable driving down some of them. So needless to say our experience in Pasadena, at least the area that we could afford was not a good one. We did find one home actually on Kenneth Way that was nice looking and the area looked okay but it was right next to the freeway.

    So we emailed our Realtor Mary our finding and hopefully will be able to look at some of those house that we liked from the outside. And that ends day two of our house hunting. We were excited to find the two nice areas of Van Nuys and that gives up hope that we might be able to actually find a home that is nice looking and in a nice area.. keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

House Hunting : It Begins...

    Well today we officially started our house hunting. We saw three houses with our Realtor Mary.

    The first one was in Glendale, though the neighborhood was quiet, the area was a bit "lived" in and the house needed quite a bit of work, which would have been fine if the neighborhood was a bit nicer.

    House number two was in Burbank and the neighborhood was much better, we actually really liked the place. The outside of the house needed a little work but the houses on both sides were so nice and you could tell their owners really took care of it. Well we went inside and I couldn't believe it. The layout was nice.. but you walk into the kitchen and there was so much water damage that the hardwood floor was bulking and breaking.. Mary warned me not to fall through the floor. We continued to walk through the house and though the set up was nice and the rooms were big there were holes in the ceiling, walls and floors. It was banked owned and they were asking $390,000 for it.. $390 for this place.. it was a total tear down and rebuild.

    House number three was in Valley Glen/North Hollywood. This was our first house with actual
    people living in it. It's very strange walking around a persons house while they are watching you. The house was nice on the outside and looked great on the inside. The neighborhood was okay to good but the only issue with this house it was a short sale. A short sale is a very complicated process where the bank has to agree upon the offer and price of the house. It can take months and the price can vary from what the realtor started it at... since this house was already at our maximum amount we decided to not even try.

    So we didn't find our dream house, but we learned alot about what we want and what we absolutely don't want. I was a little discouraged as the market may be a bit soft now and a buyers market and we are willing to spend $400,000 but it's still not enough to get a decent house in a decent area.

    After we did the three houses with Mary we decided to expand our number of cities that we were going to look in. We expanded our listing to include Van Nuys as there are some nice areas in Van Nuys.. we found about eight homes and printed out directions to each one and headed back out to look at the outside and neighborhood of these houses, if we found one that we liked we would let our Realtor know and she could schedule a viewing of the inside. So we drove around for about two hours and viewed many houses... one surprise was an area of Van Nuys called Lake Balboa. Many of the streets were tree lined and in really nice shape. There were a few houses in this area and it seemed the price was more in our range. So we sent three of these listings to our Realtor and hopefully will be able to take a look at the inside of this place next week.

    All in all it was a very eye opening experience. Buying a house is suppose to be a fun and rewarding experience but so far it's frustrating, stressful and exhausting... and this is only the beginning. But in the end Harry and I will own our very own house.. and that is exciting.

Up Early

    Well I got up at 6am this morning, I couldn't really sleep. I'm really excited to go out house hunting today. The past week I have been looking online for houses as well as having our Realtor send us listings and it's been some what discouraging. We really wanted to live in Burbank above Glen Oaks as we really liked the neighborhood. And even though home prices have come down they are still way over priced in SoCal. We can find plenty of listings in Van Nuys and North Hollywood but most of the areas we find houses in our price range are in a more "lived in" area. Some of the houses are gorgeous but because of the area we won't consider them.

    Pasadena seems to have more houses in our price range and the lots of alot larger but the houses our 80 to 100+ years old. I know this being our first house, we will not get our "Dream" house but I would like something half way decent. I just have to keep telling myself that we need to find a great neighborhood and an okay house because we can always fix up the house.. fixing the neighborhood is a bit harder...

    Well we are heading out in a few hours.. I'll let you all know how that goes.

Friday, April 24, 2009

House Hunting

    Today we got our final line up of the houses we are going to see tomorrow. This will be our first outing with our Realtor. She plans on showing us three houses tomorrow. The three that we are seeing were in our possibility list. Even if we don't like any of them it will be nice to actually see what's out there in our price range and get a better idea of what we can expect. I'll post more once we have gone out with Mary.

Quiet Day At Work

    Today was a quiet day at work, the EP went up north and several of the editors worked until the wee hours the previous night so they came in later in the day. I thought this was going to be the calm before the storm but he storm never came.

    One highlights of the day was having lunch with my buddies/co-workers Will and Ben. We went out to Islands and had a really nice lunch. It's always great to hang out with co-worker outside of work. Both of these guys are friends who I happen to work with. We consistently joke with each other which is great because you don't always have that kind of connection with co-workers, but with these two it was instantly there.

    Later in the day Will got some great news.. he got a call back for a viral web commercial that he had audition for the previous day. He said he felt good about it and did his best. They obviously agreed with him and asked him to come back on Monday.. Congrats and Good Luck Will.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

KOTG Microcast #4

Monday, April 20, 2009


    Today we got the pre-approval paperwork for our home loan.. it's amazing because this is only the paperwork for the pre-approval and there is a ton of it and it's very complicated.. I can't wait to see the actually paperwork when we buy a house...

New Podcast Business Cards

    Check out my new Knights of the Guild podcast business card.. it turned out pretty good.. I also made one for Jenni, my co-host.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Choosing a House

    After our full day or running around Harry and I went over the email our realtor sent us on potential houses. Out of 31 homes we liked 8 and marked them as a possibilities and had 1 favorite, but rejected the rest for being to small, to expensive, an auction, or just not to our liking... we even had one next to a cemetery which creep me out but Harry found my reaction hilarious. So now we send this back to our Realtor and she sets up appointments to view them next weekend.. we're very excited.

    The house pictured to the right is the one we liked the most.. will see it next weekend.

Stealing Gas and Running Errands

    Today we had to run some errands. Since we did nothing yesterday we had to get a bunch of things done before I went back to work on Monday. But when I got in my jeep I noticed I had absolutely no gas. The night before I had at least a half a tank as I drove to the store to buy some soda but today there was nothing. Someone must have syphon my gas out of my jeep during the night. It just amazes me that someone would do that.. So was drove directly to the gas station hoping my car would make it... and will filled up once again.

    After getting gas we went to CVS for prescription, Bank to deposit money, Target to buy some tools, Vet to pick up some skin pills for Daisy, Barnes and Noble to buy a book on house buying then had lunch at PF Chang's (first time and it was very good), then I had to go to work for a few hours and Harry helped me transfer files, then we went grocery shopping then home were we watched more TV and I did a little bit more editing of The Ready Room podcast..

    All in all a very packed day.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Never judge a book by it's cover

    Last Saturday on a British TV show called Britain's Got Talent as very modest and quirky woman took the stage to laughs, eye rolling and ridicule from the crowds and judges. Then she opened her mouth and this angelic sound came from it. The crowd went crazy with applause, the judges jaws dropped and this very sweet older lady blew away this crowd.

    My friend Tim Tweeted and posted on the Treksf forums the video of this since being in the US I wasn't able to see this. I watched it on Monday morning and was in tears. It was so inspirational, moving and the perfect way to start my week.

    What is more is this woman's background and the life she lead. She had been taking care of her dying mother for years and years until recently when she passed away. She lives with her cat Pebbles and has never been kiss. So the song she sang I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserable just fit her life so well, it added another dimension to this lovely woman's performance.

    Now five days later I still cry watching her performance and am moved beyond words.. I've watch it about 20 times so far. Her video on YouTube has had more then 16 million hits in five days, she has become a worldwide celebrity over night and I couldn't be more happier for her.

    Today I watched her first (of many) US appearance on CBS Morning Talk Show and she is very quiet and awkward and you can tell she still not quite sure what is happening.. but she sang again live and it was FANTASTIC.

    Bottom line is we put FAR TOO MUCH emphasis on looks and FAR TOO LITTLE on just accepting a person for his or herself. And shame on us. I have never been one to judge people on look alone but this video and Susan's courage to stand up there as inspired me to double my effects in accepting everyone. Susan, you are an inspiration. You are a BEAUTIFUL person with a voice to match!!

    If you haven't seen her check her out on you tube.

Recording The Ready Room

    Today was my day to rest, I had to record the latest Ready Room podcast with my friends Jen and Rick and that was alot of fun since we haven't all been together for over a month since we all have been busy here and there. So that was alot of fun. I did a little editing but most of the day was spent with Harry on the couch trying to catch up on some missed TV. So it was a nice relaxing Saturday.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Still at Work

    Well it's going on 12 hours and I'm still at work.. it's not the longest I have every been at work but it's been awhile since I pulled a shift longr then 12 hours. Oh well luckily it doesn't happen to often and I do still have my internet to keep my company. I hope to get out of here soon.. I've already eaten an entire bag of popcorn and now feel sick.. want to get out and pick up some dinner for the hubby and me.

It's One of Those Days

    We had six outputs to upload to the Network today. Each one takes about three hours to prepare. Even though everyone knows it takes a long time and we ask they have to ready by lunch time it never happens that way.. it's not 4:30pm and we have gotten one episode done. The other shows were either no where near ready or they tell us it will happen in ten minutes which stretches into four hours.. so now we wait. Jermey my day AE has to leave at 5pm today which means I will be the one waiting for these editors/producers to give me their episodes so I can get them up on the network ftp site.

    Besides those uploads we have DC special and webisodes that we have to upload to the network.

    It's going to be a long night.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Harry Potter Trailer

    Check out this new Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Trailer. This movie look amazing. If you know me you know I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and when I watched this trailer it brought tears to my eyes. It looks so amazing and I haven't wait to see it on July 15th.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

KOTG is on Facebook

    I created a fan page on Facebook for my Knights of the Guild Podcast..

    BECOME A FAN!!!!

Knights of the Guild Ep 3

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Knights of the Guild Ep 3 - Editing

    After the Paley Festival I had to do one more pass on KOTG #3. After listening to it I heard a few things that I needed to polish.. so at 11pm I did some last minute editing. I wanted to get it done by midnight so I was able to post it at midnight on the 15th.

Paley Festival - Dr. Horrible Sing Along Blog

    Today I went to the Acrlight Cinerama Dome to watch the Paley Festival presentation of Doctor Horrible Sing Along Blog. My friend Chris got some tickets and knew I was a huge fan so he asked if I wanted to go with him.. of course I said yes. We had such great seats.. about seven rows back but right in the middle.

    The night started with watching Doctor Horrible on the big screen which was FANTASTIC!!!! After that Joss, Zack, and Jeb Whedon along with Nathon Fillion, Felicia Day and Maurissa Tancharoen came up on stage and talked about filming, producing and acting in Doctor Horrible. Then they took questions from fans. It was a very fun night but the best part happened when it was over.

    As soon as they said goodnight hundreds of crazy fans rushed the stage for autographs. I wanted to say hi to Felicia and introduce Chris to her. I tried to fight the crowd but soon gave up and Chris said we should go stand where the exit and about ten minutes Felicia started to head out as she was leaving she had to get her purse and as she was walking back to her seat I got as close as I could and said hi. She looked up and saw me, she gave me that wonderful smile and said "Kenny.. it's so good to see you, I'm so happy you came." and gave me a hug. Of course folks were clamoring around us trying to get her autograph. She signed a few then introduced me to George Ruiz (her agent) as he went to shake my hand as Felicia mentioned that I was the one who did the Behind the Scene stuff for season two and he gave me a give big smile and said "Oh Felicia sings your praises, thank you very much for all your work." I was beyond flattered. I then was about to introduce my friend Chris to Felicia she greeted him with a smile and hand shake. She then went to sign more autographs and I decided to leave as I got to say hi and it was going to be a while before those guys would be able to get out of there.

    It was a great night and again it just re-enforced how wonderful Felicia Day is. Can't wait to get back on set for Season Three.

Home Loan

    Today I went to Bank of America online to check out their mortgage offer. Well I saw that you could get pre-approved for a home loan in 10 minutes.. so I filled out the few pages and hit send. About three minutes pass and I get a page saying you have been pre-approved.. I couldn't believe how easy it was. There was a number to call to confirm all this so I called because I wanted to know about locking in the rate and had a few other questions. Well come to find out that the online thing wasn't really official. It was more of a preliminary pre-qualifying thing. She asked if I wanted to go ahead and send this info to the under writers and get a real pre-approval, it would cost $50 but I thought it was worth it so I spent about an hour and a half on the phone giving out info and getting really confused. The woman (Regina) was great, it's just a very complicated process. We talked about various options and luckily I had talked with my friend Jeremy who gave a quick lesson in home buying.. in the end I got a really great 30 year fixed deal. The current rate is 4.85 with no points but they rate can vary as they won't lock it until we put a bid in for a house and start escrow. So we are now officially pre-approved for a home loan. I qualified for a little bit more then what we wanted to spend. The approval is for 90 days so that means Harry and I have three months to find a home or will have to do the pre-approval process again.

    Now the fun begins by looking for a home.. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Ready Room Podcast

    Tonight I finished editing The Ready Room Podcast #53. This was just a "clip" show. It was about an hour and 20 minutes of post readings. Makes it easier to edit and luckily my friend Rick offered to do the music pass. I normally do that last and it's my least favorite part so I was very happy to pass it on to him.

    Still want to do one final pass on KOTG #3 before I post it on the 15th.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Lunch

    Today Harry and I went to my Dad, Brother and Sister-in-Laws for a nice Easter Lunch. My family isn't religious but we normally visit my Dad every other Sunday and this time it happen to fall on Easter so we decided to have a nice ham/turkey with all the trimmings lunch. It was a nice time and since I have been so busy the past month we hadn't seen everyone in a while.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Finished KOTG #3

    Today I finished editing Knights of the Guild Podcast #3. Since I did most of the work the past few days it was pretty easy to finish. I was laughing out loud several times and I think this is my favorite we have done so far. I'm now sending to Jenni for her approval but it's 99% done. I'll do a little more polishing and it will be posted on April 15th.

Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead

    Today Harry and I watched the second of four Doctor Who TV specials for 2009/2010. This one was titled Planet of the Dead. It's been a while since we saw any new Who and it was nice jumping back in with our favorite Doctor. It was really good, interesting story, and I love that everyone survived, well except the bus driver and the two fly aliens. I was expecting each person to get picked off one at a time like the Xmas special.. so that was fun and I really liked Michele Ryan as a companion. Very much The Doctors equal, too bad she's not sticking around. Loved the warning, he will knock four times.. I wonder who she is talking about .. the Master?? And the preview for The Waters of Mars special was super creepy.. can't wait.

House Hunting

    Today Harry and I went out to do a little house hunting. We decided to look in Burbank as this city is top on our list of own a home in. We drove around for about three hours going up and down streets but didn't really make any progress. Maybe because it was Easter weekend but there were no open houses and we pretty much just got to see different neighborhoods and styles of homes. We really do need to get a Realtor since they do most of the leg work and it's just your job to go look at the house. So next week we look for a Realtor. We had a few friends give us some names but before we contact one I want to see about getting pre-approved for a mortgage loan. I'll keep you posted.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword

    Today Harry and I watched a new Fantasy/Comedy TV series called Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword. They say it's a cross between Legend of the Seeker and Spaceballs and they were not wrong. It was stupid, cheesy and way too funny. Both Harry and I laughed out loud. It airs on Thursday nights at Comedy Central.. if you like slapstick kind of comedy set in the world of Fantasy then you'll love this.. can't wait to see the next episode. You can find out more here.

More Podcast Editing

    Today I finished rough editing Knights of the Guild #3. It's great to be able to do this at work during lunch and downtime. I have so much podcast editing to do these days it's nice to use every available free time I have to take care of it. So The Ready Room is almost complete and KOTG #3 is rough cut.. now I just have to import it into Avid and finish it up.. I think I'll be doing that tomorrow.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

TV Time

    Today I tried to stay off the computer when I got home from work and catch up on some TV. We have about 20 hours of Lost, Heroes, Legend of the Seeker and Dollhouse to catch up. Still a lot of TV behind but we started to make a dent.. yay!!!

Podcast Editing

    I downloaded Audacity at work because during my slow times I wanted to be able to rough edit The Ready Room podcast and Knights of the Guild. Today I got a good chunk of KOTG #3 rough edited. I hope to finish it up tomorrow during my non-busy time.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

We're Buying a House

    While at work today Harry IM'd me and said, "We need to talk". My first thought of uh oh, what's wrong. But when I got home he told me that his family (Mom and Dad) liquidated their assets and have given each of their kids their inheritance early.

    So Harry has a rather nice amount of Euros in the bank. He suggested that we use some of this money to put a downpayment on a house. I could not believe it. I had come to the conclusion that we would never own a house since it takes two incomes and with Harry's special circumstances we would never be able to afford a downpayment... well thanks to Harry's loving parents we can.

    So the first night in three weeks that I thought I would be going to bed early because I didn't have to edit anything I spent with Harry looking at houses till the wee hours in the morning.

    So we are official looking for a house to buy, with low rates and falling house prices I'm hoping we can get a good deal. Going to starting looking this Saturday in the Burbank, Glendale and Pasadena area... wish us luck..

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Knights of the Guild Podcast Daily Blog

Monday, April 6, 2009


    Today after work I digitized a few problem tapes and did one more polishing pass. At about midnight I finally finished these Guild BTS DVD Extras. Even though it was a rush I think we came up with some really good pieces and I can't wait to see what the fans think when the DVD comes out.

    Of course I have a ton of footage and I will continue to create more BTS pieces for website as well as The Guild's You Tube channel.

    I'll keep you posted on when this stuff will be out.

Murphy's Law

    Well just before I got into work today I got an email from Producer Kim Evey informing me that the deadline for the DVD stuff (which was suppose to be this coming Tuesday) has been delayed.

    LOL.. just my luck, been killing myself for the past three weeks to get this stuff done and on the day that I'm about to finish, after a 40 hour work weekend, they push back the deadline.

    Oh well the good thing is that I'm almost done. A few more hours tonight I'll my pieces will be complete.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Digitizing, Digitizing, Digitizing

    Today I got up really early and continue to edit my Gulid BTS pieces for the upcoming DVD. At 11am Kim Evey came over and sat with me for four hours and went over each piece until we were happy with the results. Once we were done I exported the pieces and email them to Felicia for final approval. While I waited I started the long process of uprezing the footage.

    What I mean by uprezing is this, I have 60 hours of footage and if I digitized this footage 1:1 it would take up a very large amount of drive space, space I don't have so I digitized all the footage at 15:1 so I could get all of it in my system and take up very little drive space. Now that the pieces are done I have go go back through and re-digitize the footage that I am using in each piece.

    This process normally has it's issues like timecode not matching so you digitize the wrong clip, or the tape can't find a pre-roll time and has issues digitizing. So I was anticipating problems but I have to say my first piece uprezed with not a single issue... at about 1am when I started my second uprezing I ran into a few problems and by the time I finished at 11am the next day I only had about nine clips total that I'm going to have to find manual and re-digitize and cut in.. so all in all a pretty good uprez session.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Editing All Day

    From 8am to 1am I have been editing several of the Behind the Scenes DVD Extra pieces that I am doing for The Guild Second Season DVD. I have a screening with Kim Evey (Producer) Sunday AM so I have to get these done. I think they turned out pretty good. Now I just have to show Kim then Felicia.. I hope they don't have many notes.. can't wait till I get these done.

Friday, April 3, 2009

KOTG Microcast #3 - Quest for the Streamys: The Results


    We go back to last Saturday and join our intrepid reporter Penny Jowell as she reports on the Guild cast and crew while they walk the red carpet, watch the Streamys live and head to the after parties.

    The Guild won three Streamy Awards

    • Best Ensemble Cast
    • Best Actress (Felicia Day)
    • Best Comedy Web series

    Ms. Jowell was joined by Robert Welkner. Robert is one of the hosts of COIN-OP TV LIVE, which is part of TheStream.TV network. Along with his co-host Hailey Bright, It is the second longest running show on the network with one of the largest loyal followings. Highlights from the live show include interviews with famed video game composer Tommy Tallarico, professional gamers Fatal1ty and Stermy, the team behind Screw Attack and Director of Operations for Nexon, Min Kim. COIN-OP TV LIVE airs every Thursday at 8PM PST / 11PM EST on www.TheStream.TV!

    Here are some photo’s of our lovely reporter Penny Jowell, yes we know she looks like Jenni Powell but there’s no relations. :)

    JenniVince.jpg JenniFelicia2.jpg

    JenniFeliciaSandeep.jpg RobSean.jpg

    JenniFelicia.jpg JenniNeil.jpg

    Check out more picture and video at

Editing KOTG Microcast #3

    I decided to bring all of my recording of Microcast #3 to work with me so I can get a rough cut strung out. There is a lot of editing that needs to be done to this one as it's our live recording from the Streamys. It's going to be a rather longer microcast running about 45 minutes but it should be fun. I hope to finish it tonight and get it posted asap.

No Delay in Delivery

    Well I got an email from Kim Evey informing me that they can not push back my delivery day. So my DVD pieces are due by Tuesday April 7th. And I have to say that I'm kind of glad that is the case as I am sooooo tired and really want to be done with these DVD things. Once this is done then I can go back to cutting some more Guild BTS stuff for their you tube channel and show website. Those this will be my last weekend of cutting this stuff.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

More Editing

    With only a few days left to finish I stayed up till about 1am again working on this third piece for The Guild BTS DVD extra. I cut down some of the stuff, and rearranged other stuff. By the end of the night I think I have a pretty good piece.. now I just have to start cover up shots and of course sent it to Kim and Felicia who will give me some notes.

Emailed Felicia and Kim

    Had to email Felicia and Kim today and let them know there was no way I was going to be able to get this final piece done by Friday for the screening. Kim called later in the day and said she would see if we could extent my due dates a little. So will see what happens..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What a Day!!!

    Today I did not go into work because I needed to get started on this third BTS Guild piece. I have Felicia and Kim coming over Friday night to view it and I have barely got it started. Well it started off pretty good. I got up at 7am and started to edit, around 10:30 I got an email from Kim asking if my other piece that I had done first was going to be uploaded to microsoft today. I started to panic, as I was told that the three pieces that I am doing would not be due until April 7th and I had planned out everything for the next five days so I could get it all done. Well with this news I had to drop everything and get to finishing this piece for microsoft. It was pretty much done but it did have temp footage in there and I had to uprez the entire piece. Well after seven hour of problems and issues I finally finished the piece and it was ready to be uploaded.

    Of course I had no idea it would take another six hours to upload it. For some reason my upload speed on my computer is really slow and though the piece was 1.2 gigs when I first went to upload it directly to the companies website it said it was going to take 200 hours, well that was just crazy so I decided to upload it to my personal ftp site. Well that was going to take three hours so I started the process.. at about 82% it decided to delete the upload so I had to start all over again.

    Well I was uploading for a second time I went back to cutting my third piece, the one that I was suppose to be doing all day today. I managed to get a very rough cut put together but by this time it was 1am and I was way to tired to continue. About this time my second upload had worked and my first piece was ready to go.

    There is no way I'm going to be ready for Friday.. gonna have to email Felicia and Kim.

Deep Space Nine Action Figures

    Today I got my Deep Space Nine Series 2 Action Figures... I had pre-ordered these almost a year ago and they finally arrived. There are four characters, Kira, who looks AWESOME, O'Brien who looks pretty good... it's funny because they even gave him his double chin. Brashir who from a certain angle looks like him but from some angles he doesn't look like the actor at all and the final one Margon who looks spot on and if a very cool figure.

    I'm not collecting may action figures these days but Diamond is still producing some very cool Star Trek figures.