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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Our First RSVP

    Today we got our first RSVP from grandmother... so it's one yes so far :)

The Last of the Invites

    Today we mailed out the last of the Invites. These were the ones that were going to Harry's family in Austria and a friend in England. I had to take them to the post office to get exact postage so they went out a few days after the everyone elses.. now we wait for the RSVP's.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Manic Monday

    I know today was going to be a rough day.. and it didn't disappoint. Well the day started off nice enough. I got to mail about 2/3's of our ceremony invites. But everything changed when I got to work. I won't go into details needless to say it was a very busy and stressful day that didn't end until 10:30pm.

    It's kind of scary if this is what's to come of this job. On top of planning our commitment ceremony, planning Harry's family arrival for three weeks during the ceremony, working on a network show, dealing with car issues and to top it off health issues.

    Just gotta keep telling myself to breath and enjoy every free moment of stress-free down time I get.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ceremony Invites

    Today while we watched TV Harry and I prepared the 50 + invites to our commitment ceremony. We stamped the RSVP, printed address labels and licked over 50 envelopes. We plan on mailing out the majority of them on Monday. We are still trying to get address of some folks.

    You don't realize how fast your list of invites grows. You want to invite everyone you know but since we are having it in our backyard we are limited on space.


    Harry and I were finally able to sit down and watch some more Torchwood. I have all 13 episodes of the second season but so far we have only been able to watch up to episode 5. Today we watched episodes 6 through 10. All I have to say is WOW... first of all they added Martha from the third season of Doctor Who to Torchwood (episodes 6, 7 & 8) and she was a great addition. There is a OMG moment at the end of episode six and kind of sets ups a major story plot in the next few episodes. I enjoyed episodes here and there from season one of Torchwood, but this season two has been nothing but the best. I can't wait to finish up the series. And I look forward to season three.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

More Wedding Stuff

    Today I picked up address labels and stamps (100) for the invitations. Not only did I have to get stamps for the invitations but also for the RSVP post cards that hopefully everyone will return to us letting us know they will be joining us. We have to get these cards out this weekend to hit our three-month mark. Lots of work getting all this together but it's fun at the same time.

    So we have our invitations/RSVP cards done, we have chosen a caterer, we know what kind of cake we are getting, we mapped out the backyard and figured out how many table and chairs we can get back there and we have a photographer. So far so good.. a few more details to work out and three months to do it in.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Working Out at Night

    It's sooooo hard working out. Getting up everyday and doing 45 minutes of cardio on the elliptical is tough. I know it's good for me and I need to really try and lose some weight but man I dread it every morning.

    Well I woke up today and wasn't feeling so hot so I decided to work out at night right before I go to bed. Wasn't sure I would have the energy after the long day at work but surprising it was a pretty good workout and man I fell right to sleep afterwards. I'm going to try it this way for a while and see how it works..

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Doctor Who

    Just watched the third episode of the fourth season of the New Doctor Who and I am loving this season so far.. three really AWESOME episodes. The latest was The Planet of the Ood. Again Catherine Tate continues to impress me. She is the heart of the new season. I'm really looking forward to more of this season.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Aunt Joyce's Birthday

    Today is the birthday of one of my favorite Aunts. Joyce and I grew up together and we have always been very close. Hope you have a great Birthday Aunt Joyce. Hugs

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Working out

    It's so tough getting up and working out on the Elliptical machine. I decided that I would do 45 minutes everyday. I did plan on doing it twice a day once in the morning nad once at night but that might be a bit much to start with. I have found that if I watch Star Trek or Firefly it makes my time go back faster. Each hour long episode runs about 45 minutes so it's perfect. It's been three days and so far so good.

Monday, April 14, 2008

New Job

    Well today I started my new job. I'm the Post Production Supervisor for a new NBC reality/game show called "America's Toughest Jobs". It's currently set to air in the summer of 09' but that can always change.

    The first day was fairly quiet. I spent about six hours just trying to get my computer up and running. In the end we got it up and everything seems to be in order. It's always kind of crazy at the beginning of the shows. We are still setting up edit bays and such. Hopefully in a few weeks things will be running smooth.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Getting Healthy

    After a few months of wanting to get one of these I finally bit the bullet and bought one. Harry and I went to about four different stores previously and looked at a whole bunch of different Elliptical machines. Of course you could tell the difference between the low price ones ($299) and the high price ones ($1000+). I knew I wanted something fairly cheap as we are not rich but I wanted something that would work and felt smooth, as my knees aren't what they use to be.

    The ProForm 500 F Elliptical machine was the second elliptical we tried. After that we kept comparing it this one. So today Harry and I went to Sports Authority to buy it. It was originally $999.99, but was marked down to $799.99 and on sale for $499.99. Of course the sales person wanted to sell us an extended warranty and after talking it over with Harry we thought it would be a good idea since we plan on using this a lot and to pay that much money for something, we got the two year extended warranty. Of course it was another $150 for that but I think in the end it's well worth it.

    Now the fun part was getting it home and putting it together. The salesman said he wasn't hard just time consuming and he wasn't kidding. It took both Harry and I several hours to put this thing together. But in the end we got a really nice machine. Now I just have to force myself to work out everyday as planned.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Wedding Invitations

    Today we ordered our Wedding invitations and RSVP cards. We created our own wedding invitations with and I think they turned out pretty nice. When we put in the order we requested 100 cards and an hour later I realized that we plan on having 100 guests but most were couples and we only need one card per household. I figured we screwed up ($$$) and there wasn't much we could do since we already placed the order.. but I was reading the confirmation email and it stated that we had 90 minutes to cancel the order so we quickly did so and placed the order again and as we were sending the second order I asked Harry if we double checked all the spelling as we know what it should say so you tend to just read over mistakes and sure enough there was a typo that Harry caught. So guess what we had to cancel that order only a few minutes after we sent it. So we tripled checked the spelling and quantity and sent the order in once again. Everything looked to be good so this order should be perfect.

    As for RSVP cards we found a customizable order on Ebay for 100 cards (that is why we initially ordered 100 wedding cards). So for about $175 we manage to finally get our Wedding invitations and RSVP cards created. Now we just have to get them, address them and mail them out before May 2nd (which will be three months before.) Where does the time fly.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Last Day at Big Medicine

    After nine months of work.. a pretty long is my last day on the TLC show Big Medicine. There have been some ups and downs as with most shows but I feel like I did a pretty good job with this one. I have gained tons of confedense in myself which is always nice. I met alot of nice people and some not so nice. :) but all in all a great experience. Now it's time to move up to bigger and better... NBC here I come.

Doctor's Visit

    Just got back from my third doctors visit in the last month. This was just a follow up to my previous visit. I have to thank Bruce for introducing me to Dr. Mills. He's a very sweet and caring doctor. When I had to choose a doctor I knew I wanted someone who was gay, even though Dr. Mills is in West Hollywood he will well worth the drive... thanks Bruce.

    Anyway everything went well. My EKG was normal, my cholesterol is too high 238 (200 is max), but this was expected. He's giving me two months to get my weight and cholesterol down. So all in all a good visit.. now I just need to workout and eat better. :)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Missing TV Night

    For a second week in a row I got stuck working later then expected and missing TV night. Every Thursday I try my best to get home in time for TV night and enjoy the company of friends and good sci fi but tonight wasn't going to happen. I was asked to help out another show that the current company that I am working for is doing. I am proud that I did what they asked as I had never done it before and manage to figure it out in a timely manner but I was upset that I didn't get home till a little after 9 and only got to spend about 15 minutes with my friends... oh well this is the last week on this job.. hopefully I can get away on Thursdays for future TV nights.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cleaning out the Garage

    Today I was finally able to clean and organize the Garage. I have been wanting to do this since we moved in back in October. Well I took off a day of work and figured I would put this day off to good use. With the help of Harry we worked on the garage all day only taking a break for lunch. By the end of the day it looks AWESOME. We also manage to clean out and throw away a few things. It's now organized so when I have more free time I can go through the boxes and thin out some of my things (ie toys, magazine, VHS tapes.)

    It feels great getting a big project completed.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Backing Up The Computer

    Today Harry and I went to the Apple store because Harry wanted to buy a 1 terrabyte hard drive. He got an Apple card for Xmas and with his Birthday money he managed to only spend around 8 bucks of his own money. So he got is new external hard drive and I got his old 500 gigibyte hard drive.

    So I spent today backing up my entire computer. I know it's going ot die, it's just a matter of time and I wanted to make sure I have everything backed up. It took over 14 hours to back up my computer... I have about 350 gigibytes of stuff. So now if my computer crashed, I won't lose much of the info.

Monday, April 7, 2008

More Computer Woes

    I just have not luck with Computers (PC). Today I got home and Harry informed me that one of my Hard Drives is saying it has errors. I have a dual RAID hard drive system. So if one goes out they both are gone. The first time this happened, about three years ago, I lost four months worth of stuff because I didn't back up all the time. The second time it happened, about a year ago, the computer didn't die instantly it's slowly died and I was able to save everything. So when it happened again today I paniced since I haven't backed up in a month or so. But like the second time the computer is still working but still says it has errors so that means the drives can go at anytime. It's upsetting because the drives is less then a year old. I'm hoping it's not the drive and just some bad files or data on the drive that's causing the error but I won't know until it completely crashed and we have to re-build my computer for the third time in the past three years.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Visiting Family

    Today we had lunch with my Dad out in Corona, we visit him every other week. For lunch we went to one of the best Chinese foods in town Hong Kong Restaurant.

    After visiting Dad we drove to Newport Beach to have dinner with Mom and Chuck. They wanted to take Harry out for his birthday. Of course Harry choose Outback Steak house which was great since everyone loves it. We had a nice dinner.

    It's great seeing everyone but all the driving is very tiring. We were happy to get home and relax the rest of the evening.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


    I wanted to see this movie when it was out in the theater but it kind of disappeared quickly. I did manage to find a copy and burned it to DVD and watched it today. It was exactly as I expected, it was a cute romantic comedy, and a very sweet movie.


    Penelope is a magical modern-day fairytale about love and self-acceptance. PENELOPE WILHERN (Christina Ricci), born to wealthy socialites (Catherine O'Hara and Richard E. Grant), is afflicted by a secret family curse that can only be broken when she is "loved by one of her own kind." Hidden away in her family's estate, the lonely girl is subjected to meeting a string of blue-bloods through her parent's futile attempts to break the curse. Each suitor is enamored with Penelope (and her sizable dowry)… until the curse is revealed. LEMON (Peter Dinklage), a mischievous tabloid reporter, wants a photograph of the mysterious Penelope and hires MAX (James McAvoy) to pose as a prospective suitor and get the shot. The handsome down-on-his-luck gambler finds himself falling for Penelope, but not wanting to disappoint her, he disappears. Fed up by this latest betrayal, and determined to live life on her own terms, Penelope breaks free from her family and ventures into the world alone. She finds friendship (Reese Witherspoon), adventure, and becomes the person she was meant to be.

Doctor Who Season Four

    The fourth season of Doctor Who started in the UK yesterday and won't be starting here for another three weeks, but with my connections I managed to obtain a copy of the first episode. Martha is gone (for now) and we got back Donna from the 2006 Christmas speical Runaway Bride. Alot of people really didn't like Donna in that speical but I thought she was cool. Totally different then Rose as we didn't see Martha yet.

    The episode was good.. not the best, but a good solid episode. I laughed out loud alot. Donna's character though still loud, has changed and I like her alot better. Also at the end of the episode there was a HUGE surprise which made me say out load.. OMG!!!! can't wait for the second episode.

Renee's Birthday

    Today is the birthday of one of my ex-roommates Renee. She was the first person I every came out too and for that she will always have a special place in my heart. Happy Birthday Renee

Friday, April 4, 2008

Galactica Returns

    Well after a year of waiting we finally got the first episode of the fourth and final season of Battlestar Galactica. And I have to say it was worth the wait. I was a huge fan of the original series and came to the New Battlestart Galactica late. But one summer I watched all of season one and two before season three started and just fell in love with it.. it's much more grittier and darker then the original but a very cool series. So I was exited to see it come back and it was a great start to the season.. can't wait for the next episode.

New Coffee Table

    Today Harry and I went to Ikea to try and find a coffee table that would work with our new couch. Since our couch has a chaise section our current coffee table was to long so we needed something that would fit in the niche. Well we get to Ikea and I think it was about a minute and we found the perfect coffee table. We continued to look at other tables but we kept coming back to the first one we saw and that is the one we got. We got home built it and it fits perfectly with our couch.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Taking the Day Off.. well sort of.

    I decided to take the day off work today since things have slowed down a bit at my current job and I start my new job with no down time between. I didn't plan on going in but of course things change and I get a call at 6pm and they need 20 hours of tapes digitized in tonight. They did find a AE to do the actual digitizing but of course I had to go into the office and explain how to do it. So in the middle of TV night with several friends over I had to leave and go into work. Sometimes I'm just too nice. I spent a little over an hour there but by the time I got back I missed TV night and everyone was leaving. :(

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

John's Birthday

    Today is one of my dearest friends birthday. John and I met many many years ago and became really close friends. Over the years we haven't spent as much time together or talk much but when we do it's like no time has passed and we pick up from where we left off. I wish you a very Happy Birthday John.. hope to see you soon.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Final Episode

    Today I onlined the final episode of Big Medicine 213. It was a fairly smooth online but I'm glad it's over for now. Only have a few weeks left on this job before starting my next.

Kevin's Birthday

    Today is the birthday of our friend Kevin. And it seem appropriate that Kevin is born on April Fools Day as he is one of the funniest guys I know. He and his partner moved several years ago to Florida but we think of them often. Happy Birthday Kevin.