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Sunday, May 27, 2007

Star Wars Celebration IV

    Star Wars Weekend!!!!

    So I was lucky enough to attend Star Wars Celebration IV for two of they six days it was here in Los Angeles. I went Saturday and both Harry and I went Sunday. It was a great time. Lot's of people, costumes and things to do. Check out my website and click on the convention tab and go to the bottom of the page and read my report on C4 and see tons of pictures.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Happy 30th Star Wars

    Today marks the 30th anniversary of one of my all time favorite movies and series, I can't believe it's been 30 wonder years. I was six going on seven years old when I saw this space movie for the first time. As soon as the little ship being fired on came across the screen followed by the really, really big ship I was hooked. Seeing Darth Vader walk through the blasted door was amazing and it only got better from there. Star Wars started me on my path to Geekhood. Star Wars has shaped my life so much, that I couldn't imagine my life without it. It was Star Wars action figures that began my now very large toy collection. Star Wars let my imagination soar and started my love of sci fi and fantasy. Star Wars was and is simply the best, and will forever be a huge part of my life and I wouldn't want it any other way.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Star Wars Movie Marathon

    Well I wasn't lucky enough to attend this event but my brother did and he would call me after every movie. For the first time in the history of the world they screened Star Wars Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 back to back for seventeen hours. It was in celebration of Star Wars 30th anniversary. May 25 marks it official day and this weekend in Los Angeles is the big Celebration IV Star Wars Convention. I will be attending only Saturday and Sunday unlike my brother who took vacation time and is attending all six days. So for now I am living vicariously through him. Sounds like the movies were great.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Shrek The Third

    Well we just got back from watching Shrek The Third. We really enjoyed it, the story was very simple. The Frog King dies and Shriek is next in line to be the king, of course he doesn't want it and finds out that there is one other person, Arthur so he goes to get him, while he is gone Prince Charming gathers all the villains and attacks Far Far Away taking over. There were alot of laughs and some very memorable moments.. my favorite being Snow White and her song of attack. Also the Ogre babies are the cutest thing. The movie just flies by it's about 90 minutes. If you liked the first two Shrek you'll enjoy this one. As with the other two Shreks this one has an underlying message of not be limited by how people think of you.

Monday, May 21, 2007


    Well it's been two years since we rescue Daisy from the pound... two years of not going to Vegas, two years of not taking a vacation, two years of being pretty much restricted on where we could go and for how long. But with that said we wouldn't want it any other way. Daisy has brought so much joy and love into our lives. She loves us unconditionally. She greets us with enthusiasm even if we are gone for just five minutes. Not that she can't be a pain in the butt sometimes.. we still love her and wouldn't change her for anything.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Happy Birthday

    Just want to wish some people a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY...

    Uncle Robert... I know we don't see each other very much but I think of you guys often.

    Tim - Even though we are on different continents and never met in person you are still one of my favorite people to talk to... some day will meet face to face.

    Christopher - My buddy, I know the past few years we haven't seen each other as much as I would like but always know you are in my thoughts.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Typical Week

    Nothing too exciting going on. Work is moving along slowly and behind schedule, but this is typical and I'm not to stressed. Still looking for a house to rent but so far no luck. Harry and Daisy are both doing fine. Looking forward to seeing Shrek this weekend.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

    Today was spent with MOM. Harry and I went to mom's down in Newport Beach. They were having a BBQ. I got up early and went to Jons to pick up three dozen flowers. Also at the BBQ was my brother and his wife, my aunt Joyce, uncle Marty and their son's girlfriend Jade. My grandmother and my mom's youngest brother uncle Chuck. It was a good time. The weather was nice and the food was great. Got to spend some good time with my mother since we really don't see each other that often.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Surprises

    This is how I like to end my workweek. This week was busy at work. We are starting to get close to outputting our first show for the network. There was a lull in my workload and the day was dragging so when the opportunity came up to go junk food shopping for the office I took it. Normally the Post Super don't do things like this but I wanted to get out of the office and I enjoy bringing goodies back to the office and making everyone happy. So I went to Smart and Final and had $200.00 dollars to spend on junk food. I went walking up and down the aisle and got to the candy aisle and noticed slightly under one of the shelves on the floor were two, twenty dollars bills. Of course your instinct is to look around and see if anyone sees you or if the person who dropped them was near by but there was no one around so I picked them up and pocketed them. So not only did I bring happiness to the office with all the goodies I bought but also I got a few extra spending dollars in my pocket. It was a good Friday.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

It Finally Happened!!!!

    As many of you know I worked on Curl Girls last year and finished it up in Dec. 06. Well that was just the beginning. The Logo network has so many issues and problems with the show, tapes, deliveralbes and such. Some were our mistakes.. but most were the company's left hand not telling it's right hand what it was doing. It has taken me five months to sort all the issues with the network. Finally today I get an email telling me that everything has been accepted and payment for the how has been submitted. Now I can focus on my current job and delete the 5000 emails I have for Curl Girls.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Spiderman III

    I really enjoy the Spiderman movies and was looking forward to the third part. Harry and I debated on seeing it opening night Friday. But since work was busy and we knew the crowds would be crazy. I knew with all the new movies coming out every weekend for the next three month we had to see this opening weekend, so we decided to see it on Sunday. We got to the theater for a 3:05 showing. We got there an hour early and there was no one in line so we decided to go check out a local furniture store. Got back to the line and there were about six people in front of us. We were seeing it in one of the smaller rooms but still a very large screen. We sat about three rows back from the middle. The movie was alot of fun. It was very entertaining. I can't say it's better then the other two but is wasn't worse. All three movies are entertaining. They all have there good parts and there slow parts and this episode wasn't any different. I loved the special effects in this one. At points in the fighting so much is happening on screen it's kind of like visual overload. The bad guys were cool Sandman, a misunderstood father. and then the alien black gooo which takes over Peter for a part of the movie but becomes Venom at the end. It was a fun movie and I look forward to seeing again with my Dad in a few weeks.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Brother's Birthday

    Today is my brother's birthday. He is going to be 32, man that makes me feel old. His wife Lora put together a party at there place. It was alot of fun. Lots of good food. Mike's friends are pretty crazy, just like him. We stayed a bit longer then we expect but all in all a fun night.